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Spoilers from Sophie: ‘The Bachelor Finale’

Joey is left to pick between Daisy and Kelsey.

Finally, after a long two months we are at the conclusion of the most watched “Bachelor” season. And as Jesse has repeatedly said, “A finale with a conclusion that has never happened in ‘Bachelor’ history,” as if we haven’t heard that one before. And on the 22nd anniversary of the first ever “Bachelor” season premiering, let’s get right into it!

Back in Mexico, Joey shared that he has both nerves and excitement leading into this final week. “I went from 32 women, to two. I have love for both of them.” When talking about Kelsey Joey said, “I’ve been intrigued by Kelsey from night one. I see true love and happiness.” 

But when talking about Daisy, Joey said pretty much the same thing. “She’s had a hold on me from night one. I have zero doubts a life with Daisy would be beautiful. And I can see a beautiful life.” At this point, it is pretty hard to read Joey and even get an idea of who he is leaning towards, because he is saying pretty much the same thing about both. 

Daisy is the first to meet Joey’s family. Daisy said, “I’m nervous, but it’s because I care so much. Going to meet them I know I just have to be honest and open. My biggest fear is they won’t see me for who I am.“ 

Immediately when Daisy walked in they all gave her hugs, and you could clearly see their connection. Daisy opened up about her cochlear implant and how kind Joey was when he learned about it. She said, “Seeing how kind and caring he is truly changed everything. I know that’s because of you all and the people who love him.”

When sitting with his sisters, it was so clear that Daisy was all in. She immediately got emotional and said, “If he got down on one knee, I would say ‘Yes.’ I am in love with him. I will pick him and choose him for the rest of my life. He has changed my life and I’m so thankful.” It was such a sweet moment, and we got to see just how much Daisy cares for Joey. 

Joey shared with his sisters he feels like Daisy is holding back, but they reassured him that after their conversation they know she is all in. As Daisy talked with his mom, she was asked a lot of questions by her, but Daisy remained calm the entire time.

Daisy said to his mom, “I’m so confident and I’m so sure that it is scary. I’d rather put it all out there than miss out. He’s so worth it to me.” His mom responded with, “I would be honored to have you as a daughter-in-law. I want what’s best for you.” At this point I am so confident that Daisy is the one, I completely forget Kelsey still had to meet them. 

As they wrapped up their date, Daisy did not share that she was in love with him. Honestly, this part worried me because I felt like if Kelsey said “I love you,” when she was meeting his family Joey would immediately choose Kelsey because he wants that confidence. 

As Kelsey met Joey’s family, the sisters shared that they felt Kelsey lit up the room more. But, when talking with the sisters, Kelsey said, “I think so,” when asked if she was ready for a proposal. This honestly made it for such an awkward moment because of the extreme difference in answers between Daisy and her. 

However, when the sisters shared that with Joey it didn’t really seem to bother him, which was super strange. He said he understood that, and knew that she was probably just nervous. As the date ended, Kelsey said “I know that Daisy is amazing, and it’s so hard to think of you with someone else.” To which Joey said, “I hope you feel great about everything it can be. And I’m excited to see you next time.” 

The two each had one date left with Joey, and the first was Daisy. The two went on a spiritual date where Daisy said, “It’s either my last date, or my last date before we are engaged.” Daisy said she is frustrated with herself because she feels like she is telling everyone but Joey she is in love with him. But she added that it hurts because she is so scared he won’t pick her. 

They ended the date by making a wish. Joey’s wish is what truly stirred the pot. Joey said, “ My desire is for both of us to feel true happiness, and I know you deserve nothing but true happiness. I want what’s best for you even if it isn’t me and you.” So at this point I was utterly confused if this was Joey breaking up or not, and it seemed like Daisy was just as confused.

Heading into the evening portion of the date, Daisy said, “Even though I thought it wasn’t me, I am going to go into it with the attitude that it is me. I am just so used to me not being picked.” 

Daisy truly laid her heart out by sharing how much Joey meant to her and has shaped her life. She ended it by sharing that she does love him, and it feels so natural for her. After Daisy talked for about three minutes, all Joey said back was, “That is so good to hear.” Based on the lack of the answer, it is so clear that he is leaning towards Kelsey. 

Joey ended the night by saying, “I hope you know how hard it has been. I do have a tough decision. I’ve left this night more confident in your position, and it was stripped away.” Following that awkward moment Daisy said in her interview, “I feel like with him there might be something missing with me. If I’m being 100% honest, I don’t think it’s me.” 

At this moment, I was wondering if he was going to act the same awkward way with Kelsey or if it would be different. And for their date, Kelsey and Joey gave each other back massages at the spa. 

Following a super quick date, at the evening portion Kelsey said she wants to put everything out there and have no regrets. Joey told Kelsey, “I don’t want you to think about going home, I want you to continue to believe. I don’t take it for granted. I feel very lucky.” It is so beyond clear at this point that it is Kelsey by the extreme difference in his response to each of them. 

Finally we are getting to the proposal. Cutting to Daisy, she shares how she is super anxious and she has to be strong even though she wants to crumble. Right before the commercial break we see Daisy knocking on a door. But, to all our surprise it was Kelsey who opened the door. 

The two sat down, and Daisy asked if Kelsey would share about their week. Kelsey shared how she felt a lot of validation from Joey, and you could see how Daisy crumbled when she heard that. Following that conversation, Daisy said, “I’m really really hurting, and it shouldn’t feel this way. I still have doubts because I think it’s Kelsey, but I’m not just gonna walk away.”

As we see the car pull up, it is assumed that just Daisy is inside. But, as the camera pans out we see both Kelsey and Daisy in the car holding hands. This was honestly so surprising because — even though I knew it wouldn’t happen — I was wondering if maybe they both would decide to leave. 

But, Daisy walked out first — meaning Kelsey was who Joey chose. Daisy said to Joey, “Falling in love has been so fun, and I do love you, but the thing is you’re not going to choose me. The last couple days, I realized you are not my person and you know I’m not your person. As much as it hurts I know you said you want the best for me, so I am going to do what’s best for me and I’m gonna go.” This was such a powerful moment for Daisy because she was able to remove herself before Joey sent her home. 

Joey asked to walk Daisy out, but she said this was something she had to do alone. As she got to her car, she gave Kelsey a hug and said, “I know your mom is looking down on you and is so happy.” Daisy got in the car and said the most powerful line she could’ve said and it was, “If I can love the wrong person that much, imagine how much I can love the right person.”

As Kelsey walked out to the proposal, Joey said to her, “It has been seemingly easy. I have always known it’s you. There is nothing difficult about choosing you. I can’t wait to tell you I love you. I have never felt this. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?” And as he got down on one knee, Kelsey immediately said, “Yes,” and accepted the final rose.

I’m honestly not sure what was so dramatic and shocking about this finale. Besides Daisy trusting her intuition, it seemed like a pretty regular finale to a “Bachelor” season. 

Back at the live portion of the show, Joey and Daisy are both on stage. Daisy said to Joey, “I am so happy for you, and I was so emotional during the proposal because you two are amazing. I was trying to suppress my feelings, and when you were throwing the stones I knew he couldn’t see us. It was great for me to watch, because it was validating.” 

Joey expressed how he didn’t even realize he was being as obvious as he was until he watched it back. The two wished each other well, and as Daisy left the stage Kelsey was brought out.  

The couple shared that Joey would be moving to New Orleans with Kesley, and they hoped to move to New York in the summer. Joey said, “I don’t have enough time to say everything I love about this woman. I don’t know how I will have a boring day with her by my side.” 

As the two left the stage, we were left wondering who the next “Bachelorette” would be. Jesse said, “Could this person be the next?” And Daisy walked out on stage, leaving everyone confused if she was actually the new “Bachelorette.”

Daisy shared how just a year ago she got her cochlear implant, and for the first time in a year she was happy and healthy. She said that she is not in the place to find love right now. Jesse then welcomed Kelsey on stage for the two to talk about the ending moments. Honestly, I didn’t understand the point of this, it seemed like they were just filling the time. 

Finally, they announced that Jenn would be the next “Bachelorette.” Jenn said she is looking for someone who has a big personality, and is ready to have fun. It’s unknown, however, when Jenn’s season will actually air. 

And just like that, Season 28 is officially over. I hope you enjoyed this season just as much as I did, until next time!

This story was written by Sophie Goldstein. She can be reached at [email protected].

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About the Contributor
Sophie Goldstein
Sophie Goldstein, Executive Arts & Entertainment Editor
Sophie Goldstein is a junior from Glenview, Illinois studying journalism and is the Executive Arts and Entertainment Editor of the Marquette Wire for the second year in a row. Prior to this position, she served as the Arts and Entertainment Editor for the Indiana Daily Student at Indiana University. Outside of the Wire, she enjoys spending time with friends, watching reality television and playing with her dog. She is excited to begin her journey at the Wire, while exploring the stories everyone has to share at Marquette.

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  • M

    Matt LoveApr 15, 2024 at 2:54 pm

    Great write up Sophie! Truly one of the best seasons The Bachelor franchise has ever seen, with an empathetic lead and a great cast of women. I just about lost it when Joey was reduced to tears after Daisy’s exit.

    I’m interested to hear who you think will be the Golden Bachelorette.
