Fans of Gandalf, Magneto and Sir Leigh Teabing, take note.
Unknown actor Hunter Davis does an amazingly precise impression of Sir Ian McKellen. Naturally, with this sort of talent, why not use it to...
One of the biggest things currently on my bucket list is to go to a huge music festival. Growing up in San Juan, Puerto Rico didn’t give me many opportunities to check it off. Since then, however, I’ve...
This academic year, Marquette hosts the Freedom Project, a commemoration of the sesquicentennial (150th) anniversary of the Civil War. Correlating with the project comes "Thenceforward, and Forever Free," the latest exhibition from the Haggerty Museum of Art.
Gotye may have found fame with his hit single, "Somebody That I Used to Know," but his unique sound and visuals won the hearts of the Riverside crowd last Saturday night.
The scarf: one of the most timeless and versatile of all wardrobe accessories. Throughout the century, we have seen scarves worn by both men and women for the sake of fashion and to weather the harsher...