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The student news site of Marquette University

Marquette Wire

The student news site of Marquette University

Marquette Wire

Arts & Entertainment

MU’s Bruce Cole rocks in and out of the classroom

Eva Sotomayor September 6, 2012
Bruce Cole lives for music, whether he's lecturing on the Beatles or playing in a band himself.

Ian McKellen does “Baby Got Back” (sort of)

Peter Setter September 6, 2012

Fans of Gandalf, Magneto and Sir Leigh Teabing, take note. Unknown actor Hunter Davis does an amazingly precise impression of Sir Ian McKellen. Naturally, with this sort of talent, why not use it to...

Alyson Smith, the president of the Medieval Society, plays 9 Man's Morris during O-Fest. Photo by Erin Heffernan/

The hidden treasures of last weekend’s O-Fest

Erin Heffernan September 6, 2012
O-Fest may have come and passed, but here are a few fascinating groups you may have missed.
MUELLER: The (summer movie) season of my discontent

MUELLER: The (summer movie) season of my discontent

Matt Mueller September 6, 2012
Matt Mueller says good riddance to the summer, especially the lackluster movies it provided.

Art isn’t hard to find at Marquette

Claire Nowak September 5, 2012
I knew there had to be at least one person on campus who enjoyed music and the arts as much as I did. I just didn’t know where to look.

Choose instruments over computers at festivals

Eva Sotomayor September 5, 2012

One of the biggest things currently on my bucket list is to go to a huge music festival. Growing up in San Juan, Puerto Rico didn’t give me many opportunities to check it off. Since then, however, I’ve...

MUELLER: Watching movies in a post-Aurora world

MUELLER: Watching movies in a post-Aurora world

Matt Mueller August 30, 2012
Marquee Editor Matt Mueller takes a thoughtful look back at the Aurora movie theater shooting, and how America should respond.
An example of Beck's sheet music album. Photo via McSweeney's Publishing

Beck to release new album…but it’s not an album

Erin Heffernan August 30, 2012
The indie music star is releasing his latest album as a song book in print, an idea so old, it's new.
Mark Wagner's "Liberty" is just one of the many pieces on display in the Haggerty's "Thenceforth, and Forever Free" exhibition. Photo courtesy of Lynne Shumow.

Freedom rings at Haggerty’s ‘Thenceforward, and Forever Free’ exhibit

Peter Setter August 30, 2012
This academic year, Marquette hosts the Freedom Project, a commemoration of the sesquicentennial (150th) anniversary of the Civil War. Correlating with the project comes "Thenceforward, and Forever Free," the latest exhibition from the Haggerty Museum of Art.
Gotye impressed the crowd with his unique visuals and sound. Photo by Claire Nowak/

Gotye’s Riverside concert proves more than a one-hit wonder

Claire Nowak August 30, 2012
Gotye may have found fame with his hit single, "Somebody That I Used to Know," but his unique sound and visuals won the hearts of the Riverside crowd last Saturday night.
Marquette's collection of J.R.R. Tolkien's original manuscripts are getting a lot of attention with "The Hobbit's" 75th anniversary and the upcoming Peter Jackson film. Photo by Danny Alfonzo/

Frodo lives at Marquette with Tolkien course and lecture series

Erin Heffernan August 30, 2012
One does not simply take a class about J.R.R. Tolkien and "The Hobbit" at Marquette University.

Scarves on Steroids

Katie Harris March 25, 2012

The scarf: one of the most timeless and versatile of all wardrobe accessories. Throughout the century, we have seen scarves worn by both men and women for the sake of fashion and to weather the harsher...

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