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The student news site of Marquette University

Marquette Wire

That one night…

Murphy’s and Caffrey’s – two bars located on campus – have seen their share of memorable moments throughout the years.

By Dana Leonard

We’ve all been there, trying to gather our thoughts as we laugh with our friends discussing memories from last night. For Marquette students, we are blessed to have many on campus options when deciding where we should twerk like Miley for the night.

That one night at Murphy’s….

“When it was alumni weekend in the summer of 2012, and I saw an alumni do a naked beer slide over the middle bar.”

– Eric Bremicker, Senior

 “When I chased a shot of tequila with a shot of Rumple Minze. It was awful.”

– Cara Lewis, Senior

“Last year at Summerfest, my friends and I were dancing on a bench while fun. was on stage singing ‘We are Young.’ While we were dancing, a very large man, Cordarell, came up on the bench and started to dance with us. We went with it and started to incorporate him into our ridiculous dance moves. Mid-song, we asked him for his ring. Obviously he said no. He was not about to give his very large gold ring to the three girls he just met. But, he offered up something else to us. His expired driver’s license. Not knowing what we would do with it, we took it anyway. We knew it would come in handy. Come in handy it did. Around 1:30am, my friends and I did not want to go to bed. The idea of going to Murphy’s was tossed around. The only issue was that some of us were underage and one friend did not have an ID. While we were underage, we had Cordarell’s ID. Something I have neglected to mention is that Cordarell is a 300-pound black man. One of my friends, who previously had an ID taken away from Jimmy, boldly went up to Jimmy and handed him Cordarell’s ID. This 5-foot-6-inch white girl, decked out in J. Crew, tried her hardest in convincing Jimmy that she was in fact Cordarell. My friend explained that she had lost her tan, lost a ton of weight and had recently undergone a sex change. She said that she had no time to make it to the DMV and so she was forced to use an expired license. Jimmy, surprisingly, did not find this situation particularly funny. He immediately took the ID away. Cordarell has not been seen since. We have tried to get it back for the past year, but Jimmy says that ID is long gone. RIP Cordarell.”

– Morgan Mekertichian, Senior 

That one night at Caffrey’s…

Or day, in senior Mike Theide’s case, who describes St. Practice Day as a “marathon.” “We went there for opening at 9am and took turns leaving to go to class. Those who didn’t have class stayed and held down the table, then those who had left for class came back and relieved the ones that stayed, as they now went to class. And the cycle continued, and we would all trade off. We stayed until everyone was done with class. My friend’s parents even joined us.”

– Mike Thiede, Senior

“It was the first game of the NCAA tourney against Davidson and basically our whole friend group packed Caff’s to watch the game. After Vander hit a layup to give us a one-point lead with one second left, everybody went nuts. We were throwing beer, hugging, kissing, and being the little guy that I am, all the guys lifted me in the air. It was mostly seniors and towards the end of our last semester so it was pretty cool. It was a great day.”

– Ryan Vincent, 5th Year Senior

That one night at the Annex…

One Saturday afternoon, around 2 o’clock, a family of four came into The Annex. The family consisted of a mother, father, daughter and son, and that’s what we’re going to call them. Said family bowled and drank for a while before coming to sit at The Annex bar where they continued to drink but had been drinking prior to bowling as they came in to the building already trashed. The two most visibly drunk were the daughter and the mother. While the family is sitting at the bar, still imbibing, an Annex cook comes out to the bar from the kitchen to get a glass of water.

The cook, who we’ll call Fred, notices the daughter and decides that she’s pretty good looking. Fred, being the guy he is, immediately starts hitting on the daughter. By this time of the day, the daughter is drunk enough where the bartender has declared her overserved and stopped serving her alcohol. Fred sees his opportunity for some late night companionship and asks the daughter if she would like to come over to his house for some drinks after he gets off work. Daughter turns to mother and says, “Mom, can I (blank) Fred tonight?” The mother, not even slightly caught off guard, looks Fred up and now and replies, “Sure, he’s good enough sweetie.” The bartender, the manager and even Fred himself were completely dumbfounded, but Fred managed to wipe the look of shock off his face, give the daughter his phone number and walk back into the kitchen, but not before jumping in the air, clicking his heels, and saying “It’s a good day to be Fred.”

And Fred wound up with an STD.


That one night at Miss Katie’s…

“I walked out of Miss Katie’s and there was a kid passed out on top of a car. Like on top of it. Not on the hood, but the roof of the car.”

-Sam Manka, Senior

“I tried getting into Miss Katie’s through the front door which leads to the restaurant. It was locked. I didn’t realize that the door to the bar of Miss Katie’s was around the corner, so I told everyone to go home because it was closed! Then we went to Murphy’s, where I tried to get in with my Marquette ID, and got kicked out.”

-Carrie Hanson, Senior

 That One Night at Angelo’s (R.I.P.)…

“That one night when I used my Qdoba loyalty card to get into Angelo’s. It worked.”

-Lizzie Esslinger, Senior

 That One Night that Wasn’t…

“Parents Weekend has always been known as a weekend for the books here at Marquette, but last year things escalated beyond our wildest dreams. We started the night at the Ale House and eventually made our way to Center Court (RIP). Bar close was quickly approaching and of course (our) parents were still out with us. Before we know it, our friend’s mom rounds the troops and hops into the driver’s seat as we shove upwards of 10 girls into a five-seater rental car. We made it back to campus and unloaded the clown car at the corner of 16th and State streets where we were attending a ‘dance party.’ Did I mention we were juniors in college? Anyway, these dance parties for some reason had became a sort of weekend night ritual in the fall but, this one was different. Little did we know we were about to embark upon the journey of a lifetime. It was 4 a.m. and, at the time, it almost sounded like an echo, a line in a movie where the crowd stops in their tracks and everything seems to be occurring in slow-mo. ‘Let’s open The Harp and Sham!’ The music got louder and the dancing got only that much more absurd. Everyone in attendance was 100 percent in accordance with what was happening. Around 6:30 a.m., we decided to make sure we were physically ready to cross this event off of our bucket lists. I threw on an XXL Minnesota Twins sweatshirt that covered me from neck to shins, and we bid farewell to the dance party. If you’re trying to picture this crowd walking down Wisconsin, imagine something along the lines of the scene in the Big Green. Harp and Sham being the red headed goalie and our Marquette squad being the knights, gallivanting through the streets of campus on our horses. Well, if you’ve seen the movie, you know that the knights ends up victorious. Let me tell you something, we did not. 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21th, the Harp and Sham was in sight. The next four minutes are imprinted in my mind in slow motion. The crew was fist pumping and excitedly ran ahead and approached the golden gates (that is, the run-down, wood splitting green doors). We pulled on the door and with a few tugs, we knew. We knew that all our efforts had suddenly gone down the drain, but why? It was a Saturday night turning Sunday morning. The Harp and Sham does not open until 10 a.m. on Sundays. To top off this huge upset, we called van cabs to take us home because we could not physically muster up the strength to walk back home in such defeat. Ladies and gentlemen, the night of the Harm and Scam.”

-Pud O’Brien, Senior

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