Couples could be snuggling up at the newest location of the Broken Yolk on 1617 W. Wells St. just in time for Valentine’s Day, according to co-owner Jim Gatto.
The new location has been scheduled to open at a variety of dates since its announcement in fall 2010. It was first planned to open in spring 2011‚ but was then delayed to summer 2011 after the architectural planning process held up construction. But that season came and went, with no Broken Yolk.
Gatto said construction is now in its final stages, as workers install tiles and equipment, paint the walls and do electrical testing, and the new restaurant should be open this February.
Like the original Broken Yolk on 2040 W. Wisconsin Ave., the new location will feature breakfast items and gourmet sandwiches and will be open seven days per week, with one change in restaurant hours.
“The one at Campus Town will close at 7 or 8 at night,” Gatto said. That’s 3-4 hours longer than the original location, which closes at 3 p.m.
The Wells Street restaurant will also have more of a Marquette ambience.
“We’ll put up pictures … of campus teams, our Marquette family, so to speak,” Gatto said.
Gatto said he and his wife will split their time between the two restaurants. He will spend more time at the new location, while his wife will spend more time at the original Broken Yolk.
Gatto said he would have liked to have opened the second location earlier but it was out of his control. He gave no other explanation as to why the opening of the new location has been delayed so long.
Students, including Tess Fortune, a sophomore in the College of Communication, are excited about the new location. Fortune, a commuter student, has never been to the Broken Yolk.
She said the original location on 20th and Wisconsin made it difficult for her to get lunch there between classes, but she looks forward to trying out the location on Wells Street.
”It’s closer to buildings on campus and easier to get to. I’m excited to go there,” Fortune said.
Michael Whittow, assistant to the vice president of administration, said the new Broken Yolk will add to what living in or near Campus Town offers.
“I think it’s going to be a hit with alumni, students, staff and the whole community,” Whittow said. “We’re looking forward to having it be a part of Campus Town to add to the mix…(it) gives students a closer option for their great food.”