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The student news site of Marquette University

Marquette Wire

The student news site of Marquette University

Marquette Wire

Anti-abortion display supported

I want to begin by thanking Patti Murphy for her Oct. 12 column "'Shock value' of abortion display said perturbing" regarding the display of crosses in front of Lalumiere. As a woman and a crisis pregnancy counselor, I thank her because it gives me the opportunity to discuss an issue that I am very passionate about. Each day I encounter women who do not understand what abortion is or how many lives it affects. Involvement in Students for Life at Marquette allows me to create awareness of the respect for women and the fundamental right to life.

The Memorial of the Innocents exemplified these principles. I resent the fact that Murphy saw it as a condemnation of women. It was not, nor was it ever intended to be such a condemnation. SFL's goal was to bring the issue of abortion to the forefront and promote awareness of this tragic reality. We want to clarify what the memorial stands for. Above all, it is a memorial for the millions of lives taken by abortion each year and demonstrates the horrors of this silent holocaust in a powerful yet respectful way. It is a time to recognize, reflect, and seek forgiveness. Thus, it is an opportunity for healing. It certainly is an eye opening display, but it is not merely for "shock value." It is a message that statistics or flyers simply cannot convey.

SFL has been active at Marquette for over 15 years. We are not outside activists overrunning campus, but fellow Marquette students concerned about a violation of the most fundamental human right. The memorial is not new to Marquette, nor is it our sole activity. We host a variety of events on campus to advance all life issues, support women and promote awareness. Several women — like myself — volunteer at crisis pregnancy centers, and our group fundraises to support women and continue their education. The Hope Foundation and the Pregnancy Help Center of Milwaukee are our main benefactors. We also promote Project Rachel — a worldwide program based in Milwaukee to help women deal with post-abortion syndrome.

As a student organization, we bring speakers to inform students about pressing life issues and encourage active participation. This year, we are especially proud to be hosting Vice President of Feminists for Life Sally Winn on Oct. 27. In every activity we sponsor, a positive promotion of life is affirmed.

Murphy made a keen and thought-provoking observation when she described the display as "deeply disturbing." It is disturbing, and it would be appalling if we were not unsettled by the reality of abortion. Each year in the United States, more unborn children — over 1.3 million — fall victim to abortion than the number of U.S. soldiers killed in all wars combined. We are all survivors, since one third of our generation were casualties of abortion. Even more disturbing is that we confuse this so-called right with freedom. Free choice is indeed a fundamental human attribute — one that no law has the ability to take away — but it is impossible to have choice if you do not first have life.

If you or someone you know has concerns regarding abortion, I encourage you to contact the Pregnancy Help Center of Milwaukee at 414-645-4050 or Project Rachel in Milwaukee at 414-769-3353.

Schaitberger is a social welfare & justice and business administration major and co-president of Marquette Students for Life and is writing in an official capacity for the group.

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