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The student news site of Marquette University

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The student news site of Marquette University

Marquette Wire

Columnists draw ire from student

I am writing this Viewpoint in response to two people. The first is Bob Mate. I am not writing to address any false claim Bob Mate has made, because to correct them all would take several pages.

I can put up with the numerous errors and radically liberal bias found in Mate's column, but I believe I am speaking on behalf of the entire Marquette campus when I say, as an act of mercy and decency, drop the stale humor (if one can call it that). When one's columns are as predictable as Mate's and filled with condescending lectures about the evils of a society that does not support gay marriage and Democrats, it would be better to avoid infuriating the reader further and just lose the know-it-all sarcasm.

The second person I would like to address is Marianne Gosz. I have one question for you: Since when is a beer guzzling, TV obsessed couch potato ready to be a "contributing member of society," which Gosz claimed to be in an earlier column. To think that you would probably struggle to name five philosophers, but could recite every TV channel's (antenna and cable) line- up, forward and backward without batting an eye is an unsettling thought I can well imagine.

I don't mind that you write a column that is nothing more than whining, but what I do mind is the constant pop-culture references. If you must complain, instead of it being about the horrific TV hour known as "The Nick and Jessica Variety Show," have it be about something people actually give a damn about.

In conclusion, people love to criticize others for not being active participants in the Marquette community so let me end my part with a few final suggestions. Mate, I would recommend that you get every history textbook you can get your hands on, read it thoroughly and pay special attention to America's political history. Perhaps that way, one out of 10 of your statements will be accuate. Gosz, I would suggest maybe joining a summer reading program. And no, the booklist cannot include TV Guide, but look at it on the bright side — as a new form of entertainment!

Finally, to whoever is in charge of the Marquette Tribune, I know that every newspaper fears blank space in an issue, but until Mate and Gosz move beyond the college student cliche and write something worth reading, can their column space be filled with class notes? I know that they would be more interesting, and certainly more helpful.

Currently the best use I can find for their columns is to line my cat's litter box. I wonder if that is suitable, but then I comfort myself with the fact that my cat fortunately cannot read and will be spared the nonsense of two columnists, whom I beg you to replace.

Wolfe is a freshman art major.

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