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The student news site of Marquette University

Marquette Wire

The student news site of Marquette University

Marquette Wire

Politicos end spring with appeals

I sit through a class twice a week that is saturated with conservatism. Not only is the professor conservative, but the textbook was written by one of President Bush's closest advisors. These things don't bother me, despite the fact that I am a self-proclaimed "Wellstone liberal."

I may not agree with my professor, or the author of the textbook, but I respect that they have taken time to formulate an opinion based on their values and understanding of the subject matter. What bothers me most about this class is the way liberals are treated. At least twice during the semester my professor has deviated from the course material into a policy discussion, which has peaked with her using the word "liberal."

Unbeknownst to me, "liberal" has apparently become a dirty word at Marquette. When it comes out of her mouth, it is always said at a slightly lower volume than her normal lecture tone, usually accompanied with the type of giggle one expects to hear from a third grade child who has just taught a new dirty word to her friend on the playground. Inevitably, most of the people in the class snicker at the dirty word as well.

In this important election year, Marquette students need to closely examine their political values. All too often, I hear people on this campus profess a belief in social justice and helping their fellow man, followed by an admission that they vote Republican. When asked why, they inevitably say, "I don't believe in abortion." To those people, I would like to say that to be a Democrat does not mean you must be pro-choice. To be a Democrat also does not mean you have to believe in universal health care, gay rights or that labor unions are inherently perfect.

The Democratic Party exists to help people. In 2002 more than 16 percent of American children were living in poverty with no hope of corporate profits reaching their desperate parents. Democrats are a party of action because we are not comfortable with waiting for trickledown economics to help our kids.

As Democrats, we worry the cost of health care will require your parents to spend your tuition money on the nursing home expenses of your grandparents. We worry a bankrupt Social Security program will cause you to be burdened with the cost of your parents' retirement and we fear that declining environmental standards will confine your children to a life spent indoors. You may not agree with every plank of the Democratic platform, but as you go through your last week of service learning, please look at the people you're helping and realize that their welfare and your welfare are the reason the Democratic Party exists.

As you may have noticed, the Marquette College Democrats have recently had some internal conflicts. As the incoming chair, I would like to assure the Marquette community that the fall semester will bring an organized and unified Democratic presence on campus. "Liberal" is not a dirty word and we will stop at nothing to change the attitude of those who think it is.

Salsbery is a junior English and political science major and is chair of Marquette College Democrats.

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