Marquette alumnus and resident Jesuit the Rev. Jim Flaherty was appointed as the new Gesu Parish pastor, effective Sunday, Oct. 11.
The appointment, done by the Milwaukee Archdiocese’s Archbishop Jerome Listecki, was announced at Gesu Masses during the Oct. 9-11 weekend. Flaherty is succeeding the Rev. John Schlegel, who was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer in late January 2015.
“We continue to work toward our mission as a Catholic, Jesuit parish of serving the needs of the parish in sacrament and other programs,” Flaherty said. “We have a very strong staff and council, and the parish is in a very strong position.”
Flaherty’s duties as pastor include collaborating with Campus Ministry and strengthening the church’s mission.
Flaherty was an assistant philosophy professor at Marquette for the past 12 years. He was appointed as an associate pastor for Gesu Parish in early August 2015.