We’re back again with another episode of “The Golden Bachelorette.” Despite only being 90 minutes, we have a lot to unpack. From lemon-zesting to Chippendales, let’s get right into it.
The Group Date
As the 11 remaining men chatted in the mansion, they read aloud the date card for this week. Jonathan, Pascal, Charles, Dan, Gary, Mark, Gil, Chock and Keith were all instructed to “Bear It All for Love.” Oh, boy.
When they arrived to meet Joan, the men were joined by Kaitlyn Bristowe, season 11 “Bachelorette,” who announced that they would perform a Chippendales-style show — and the men’s reactions were probably the best part.
But once Joan and Kaitlyn announced the proceeds would be for Stand Up to Cancer — a cause close to Joan — the men put their game faces on.
Ranging from Gary’s “Hot Teacher” costume to Johnathan’s speedo, the men had the crowd going absolutely crazy. It is without a doubt that Johnathan was a complete natural — despite “never doing this before” — and even Charles L. took his shirt off and got some moves going.

After the date, the men and Joan went to the dinner portion and mostly we really saw the strong connection between Joan and Chock — who, personally, I think might be the winner.
Joan ended up giving the group date rose to Chock — yay — saying she has the deepest connection with him and can really see a future with him. It was so cute seeing Joan so happy, and Chock excited to find love again.
Chock Shake Up
Unfortunately, after having such a spectacular night, Chock was informed that his mom passed away the night before from stage 4 cancer.
Chock shares the news with the other guys who are very emotional and sympathize with him — it was such a powerful moment watching them all comfort him.
When Chock meets Joan outside, he lets her know he has to leave to check on his family, but doesn’t really specify if he will come back or not. Joan understands and feels the connection to when she had to leave during Gerry’s season.
Jordan’s One-on-One
Immediately after having to say goodbye to one of her strongest connections, Joan has to go on her date with Jordan.
The two go ice skating, something Jordan is not very good at — I can empathize with. I would embarrass myself on national television.
I immediately let out a laugh when I saw the two in gold helmets and knee and elbow pads. ABC is not taking any risks.

The two talked about Jordan’s past and his divorce. And, surprise, they are greeted by a private performance. During it, Joan gave Jordan the rose and the two danced away — without skates on… phew.
Guy’s One-on-One
Joan and Guy somehow end up at Joan’s house? Pretty sure she lives in Maryland. Anyway, the two cook a meal in “Joan’s house,” and we quickly learn that Guy does not zest lemons often.
Guy and Joan talk about his past and how his marriage ended. The date seemed so short. But in the end, Guy ended up getting the rose.
The Cocktail Party
Chock is back! I repeat, Chock is back! He sat with Joan and explained that there was no way he wasn’t coming back — this is when my tears started coming.
Then, Joan sat with Pascal where she told him she was expecting him to approach her and show more effort. But Pascal said he didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes — which is honestly surprising coming from him.
Jonathan and Joan sit outside and talk about their morning routine while eating some Cheerios. It was honestly such a sweet moment because Johnathan was saying how he would change his morning routine just to be with Joan.
Mark briefly talks to Joan, but we are going to need a bit more from him if he wants to really seal the deal with Joan. Then Kieth sets up a picnic, but seems to stumble his words and get in his head. He was so nervous, which is so precious, but I was getting nervous it wouldn’t be enough to stay another week.
Unfortunately, we did not hear from Charles L. which is very upsetting.
Rose Ceremony
Somehow there are only four roses on the table, meaning that four men will go home.
Joan gives out roses to Pascal, Jonathan, Mark and Keith, unfortunately leaving Charles L., Gary, Dan and Gil to be sent home.
Charles L. saying goodbye to the men was probably sadder than him saying goodbye to Joan. But what was even more sad was Dan saying, “I don’t have anyone to go to at home, but I found a family here.” Literally heartbreaking.
Crazily enough, we are left with seven men for next week. And get ready, because I’m sure it will be dramatic.

This story was written by Sophie Goldstein. She can be reached at [email protected].