The trek from Marquette’s campus out to Cactus Club, this writer’s favorite very un-pretentious grunge dive bar, is always worth it for Milwaukee’s best local music. The limited space, the walls papered with band posters and the bit of grunge make for an intimate show. This was the setting for the first night of Gloss Records’ Halloween Spooktacular.
There was a plethora of bands performing in just one night. The musicians were dancing around the club, watching shows and ordering at the bar among the costumed crowd throughout the night.
Sex Scenes were loud and energetic, sick as always. Surgeons in Heat, decked out in blue graduate robes, played a solid set showcasing their sarcastic and vibrant rock sound. Rio Turbo put on a crazy light show to match their hyped, electric music with dancers flanking the sides of the stage.

There was then a costume contest, the two finalists being Margot and Richie Tenenbaum from Wes Anderson’s film “The Royal Tenenbaums.” The woman was wearing a PVC shower complete with curtains as part of a joke that I didn’t quite get, but I guess it worked for everyone else.
Soul Low was on next, wearing Halloween costumes clearly intended for children (all in good fun). They played their older songs as well as songs from their new album “Nosebleeds.” I remember particularly losing my mind jumping around dancing to “Tied in Knots.” The crowd was also treated to covers of “Monster Mash” and “Blister in the Sun.” It was a spooktacular time.
If you are curious about Soul Low and want to hear more, Marquette Radio has interviewed them twice. You can read the article here and listen to the New Music Monday interview with Sean and Sam here.