As a new editorial board we are excited for the new school year, but first we wanted to address the changes coming to the Marquette Wire.
The editorial board previously consisted of 20 members but this year we’ve slimmed it down to seven individuals: The managers of all branches, our executive director, editor of diversity and inclusion and executive opinions editor. This decision was made to better find the core of our messages.
The Tribune is now 12 pages instead of its previous 16, and several of the pages are in black and white. Unfortunately, with the cost of printing on the rise, we decided this would be the best decision for the future of our organization.
We will still have all of the printed stories and other online exclusive content available on our website.
In the future, we will be prioritizing our digital platform and presence. Over the next few months, you will notice updates to our website that will improve user experience.
We hope you take notice of these changes and engage more with all of our content.
We are taking new measures to train our staff so they treat our community with respect and compassion. Our mission statement and our ethics code are constant reminders of the promise we’ve made to our community. The training and onboarding process are more intensive and contain more directions about how to approach stories.
The goal is for every staff member to fulfill our mission authentically. We pledge to hold the powerful accountable, represent diverse voices and inform the community.
The college hired a new Director of Student Media, Patrick Johnson, who is playing a vital role in the education of our staff. We are looking forward to the change he will be bringing.
We ask that you please remember we are a learning hub. Most of us are in our early 20s and younger. We learn through our experiences and our mistakes, so we ask that our audiences offer us grace.
We are here for you, to tell your stories and to share crucial news with our Marquette community. Students, parents, alumni, faculty, administration and the surrounding areas, we are your news source.
We have a duty to be transparent to you, and that is another part of the promise we make to you.
Sharing our sources, how we talked with them, what details we learned and updating stories when new information comes to light, all falls under that category. From breaking news to opinions, radio to magazine, everything will be factual and correct to the best of our knowledge.
We are asking that you hold us to this editorial, this promise. Call us out, hold us accountable and let us know if you don’t feel that we are fulfilling our mission. We want you to remind us about who we were, who we are and who will be.
Thank you to our dedicated audience for engaging with out content. We’re grateful for the attention, accountability and feedback, and will continue the Marquette Wire for years to come.
Editorial topics by the Marquette Wire are decided at weekly meetings between members of the executive board. The editorial is crafted with leadership by the executive opinions editor. The executive board consists of the executive director of the Wire, managing editor of the Marquette Tribune, managing editor of the Marquette Journal, general manager of MUTV, general manager of MUR and the editor of diversity and inclusion.