After tallying 1,756 ballots, Marquette Student Government and the Residence Hall Association announced the winners in 69 races across campus during a press conference at 2:30 p.m. Friday. Thirty-nine Hall Council members, 20 RHA Representatives and 12 senators were elected to their respective seats.
There are still six open senatorial seats to be filled by MUSG and Hall Council appointment. Seats open include those for commuter, McCormick Hall and off-campus senators. Additionally, Straz Tower needs to resolve a tie in its Hall Council presidential race. The situation remains unresolved because there is no formal procedure to break a tie within the RHA constitution, said David Kuester, MUSG elections coordinator and a senior in the college of Arts & Sciences.
Thursday’s elections marked the first time in MUSG history that the electoral process was held on Marquette Involvement Link. However, the new online voting system did not run as smoothly as planned. Since the default time zone on Involvement Link was Eastern Daylight Time, all elections were closed an hour early Thursday night, according to an MUSG press release. To remedy the situation, voting was re-opened until noon Friday.
One of the effects of holding elections on Involvement Link was an improved voter turnout. Kuester said 22.1 percent of eligible voters cast a ballot in Thursday’s races, marking the highest fall election voter turnout in MUSG history. Last year, turnout was 14.6 percent.
Abbottsford Hall Senator-Matthew Walker
Carpenter Tower Senator-Emily Pirkl
Cobeen Hall Senator-Emmaline Jurgena
Commuter Senator-To be appointed
Mashuda Hall Senator-Jacob Vildibill
McCabe Hall Senator-Jason Kurtyka
McCormick Hall Senator-Zack Wallace, another to be appointed
O’Donnell Hall Senator-Chris Steiner
Off-Campus Senator-Joe Daufenbach, Marisa Galvez, Alison Libera and four others to be appointed.
Schroeder Hall Senator-Thomas Schick
Straz Tower Senator-Tyler Tucky
Apartments Council: RHA Representative-Erin Skupien; Vice President-Matt Baumann
Abbottsford Hall Council: RHA Representative-Jasmine Hooks; Historian-Maggie Butler; Treasurer-Samantha Swartz; Vice President-Caroline Mahoney; President-Anthony Ball
Carpenter Tower Hall Council: RHA Representatives-Kimberly Doescher and Meghan Hickey; Secretary-Kelly Yndestad; Treasurer-Timothy Hogaboom; Vice President-Kevin Slusser; President-Thomas Wargo
Cobeen Hall Council: RHA Representatives-Aliah Taylor and Emily Hebron; Secretary-Clare Hulsebosch; Treasurer-Sarah Beattie; Vice President-Nicole Roy; President-Lauren Wright
Mashuda Hall Council: Secretary-Abigael Small; Treasurer-William Boswell; Vice President-Antonella Mantovano; President-Bridget Samuelson
McCabe Hall Council: RHA Representative-Rachel Heilgendorf; Historian-Valeria Cardenas; Secretary-Ellyn Mirsch; Treasurer-Valerie Klemann; Vice President-Stephanie Yeager; and President-Vincent Beacom
McCormick Hall Council: RHA Representatives-Patrick Boyd, Paul Dang, Hannah Garrison, Arthur Jones and Hanna Risse; Secretary-Ashley Tufano; Treasurer-Avery Flyte; Vice President-Marie Powichroski; and President-Michael Mache
O’Donnell Hall Council: RHA Representatives-Brian Jacobs and Noble Salwan; Secretary-Clayton Keefe; Treasurer-Philip Froehlich; Vice President-Tim Hefferon; and President-Adam Hannigan
Schroeder Hall Council: RHA Representatives-Olivia Derricks, Aaron Maybin, Sara Mogensen and Megan Varno; Secretary-Amanda Cady; Treasurer-Andre Ghelfi-Thomas; Vice President-Maeve McSweeney; and President-Alex Schmidt
Straz Tower Hall Council: RHA Representatives-Joe Fuchs and Lucille Christensen; Secretary-Brittany Bernal; Treasurer-Twinkle Patel; Vice President-Jeff Fuchs; and President-(tie) Haley Carter, Ryan Twaddle