Last night around midnight a pipe burst above the first floor in Mashuda Hall resulting in flooding on the ground level and basement. The dorm’s heat was shut off during the night for repairs but will be restored soon.
Chris Briggs from the Office of Residential Life, sent an email around 4 a.m. Tuesday to Mashuda residents to let them know maintenance has been working through the night to fix the issue. But due to the disruption, students should avoid the basement, as the flooding is still being addressed.
Students were unable to access the elevators last night during the flooding, and as a result, were not able to check in or out until around 2 a.m. on Tuesday. Briggs said in the email that students can now enter and leave through the lobby.
The mail services are temporarily delayed due to flooding in the mailroom, and crews will be continuing clean-up all day.
This story was written by Sophia Tiedge. She can be reached at [email protected].