Have you ever wanted to know what type of politician you are? What your best leadership qualities are? Will you enforce change with power or creativity? Take this quiz to find out!
1. How well do you keep up with the news?
a. I watch it every day.
b. I know enough to speak about it.
c. I look at weekly updates.
d. I don’t keep up very well.
2. Are you interested in politics?
a. Yes, I think it’s extremely important.
b. I think it’s pretty important.
c. It’s interesting to observe, but I don’t want to be involved.
d. People get too passionate about it.
3. How do you react to conflict?
a. I don’t mind conflict, but I don’t like losing arguments.
b. It doesn’t bother me, I’m confident in my position when I argue.
c. I tend to stay away from conflict.
4. How honest are you?
a. I’ll let people know information that’s important. Who cares if you lie about the little details?
b. Being honest is important to gain trust.
c. I never lie on purpose.
d. Honesty is always a top priority.
5. Are you a risk taker?
a. It depends on the situation.
b. I enjoy taking risks.
c. My whole life is a risk.
d. I don’t take risks.
6. Which of these options is your top priority?
a. Creating the change I personally want to see.
b. Getting others to follow me.
c. Creating solutions to an issue in the world.
d. Helping people and understanding their opinions.
7. Your friends would primarily describe you as:
a. Sensible
b. Confident
c. Innovative
d. Empathetic
8. What is the best way to solve an issue?
a. Attacking the issue at the roots. Don’t wait for someone else to fix it.
b. Explaining my opinion to others. The more people I can convince, the more people I have to help me. You need numbers to get things done.
c. Seeing the issue from different angles. Maybe there is a solution people haven’t considered.
d. Figuring out what the problem is by listening to others. Once I understand everyone’s positions, I can usually find a good solution.
9. When it comes to hot topic issues, I tend to …
a. Know my stance, but I don’t necessarily announce it.
b. Speak my mind.
c. Have trouble committing to one side.
d. Find my opinion changing as I talk to different people about their beliefs.
10. Do you think people would like you as a politician?
a. I mean, if we are honest, who really likes politicians?
b. They would be crazy not to. I was born to lead.
c. I think so — people tend to think I have a lot to bring to the table.
d. I hope so — I don’t do well with people not liking me. I want to please everyone.
1. If you answered mostly A, you are:
A Determined Politician – You are sensible, ready to get things done and make change. People say you are driven and know what you want.
2. If you answered mostly B, you are:
A Strong Politician – you have strong values and were born to lead. You don’t shy away from speaking your mind and won’t be swayed by others.
3. If you answered mostly C, you are:
A Creative Politician – You are curious and ready to ask questions others might not think about. You’re a problem solver and are ready to find solutions to the problems you are passionate about.
4. If you answered mostly D, you are:
A Peacemaker Politician – You are good at playing devil’s advocate and seeing all sides to a problem. Your values and opinions are strong, but you are still willing to be open minded and consider all groups. You are most concerned about helping other people.