Five Greek life organizations are currently on probation, said university spokesman Brian Dorrington.
The five organizations, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Triangle Fraternity, Kappa Delta Sorority, Alpha Xi Delta Sorority and Delta Chi Fraternity are prohibited from hosting events serving or involving alcohol.
Probation is generally a result of violating alcohol-related policies. It can be administered by the university or by the national chapter of the organization. The Division of Student Affairs had formal hearings for each organization over the past two years.
“University probation is a formal notice to the organization that they have engaged in behavior that is unacceptable within the university community, and that if continued or other inappropriate behavior follows, more severe action may be taken, including the possibility of suspension,” Dorrington said in an email.
Heidi Roy, director of communication for Kappa Delta, said the chapter “is on probation to focus on living Kappa Delta and Marquette values.”
“The national organization and the chapter are working closely with the university to address the concerns raised about the chapter’s risk management,” Roy said.
Sigma Kappa Sorority is currently prohibited by its national organization from holding social events with alcohol due to violations of the university’s alcohol and risk management policies, according to Jordan Bentlage, executive director of Sigma Kappa.
“All Sigma Kappa members are educated on expectations for membership and each individual bears the personal responsibility to abide by applicable federal, state and local laws, university rules and regulations, as well as Sigma Kappa policies, rules and procedures,” Bentlage said. “We are committed to assisting our members in reaching their potential and assisting our chapter in meeting the requirements of their probation.”
Bentlage said each member of Sigma Kappa bears the personal responsibility of abiding by applicable state local and federal laws as well as sorority standards.
“Sigma Kappa has its’ own set of standards based on our values as a national organization,” said Lauren Debertin, president of Marquette’s chapter of Sigma Kappa. “In light of current trends, Sigma Kappa has deemed it appropriate to put us through their own set of member development programs.”
Dorrington said the university has comprehensive policies for Greek life and that it takes the conduct of sororities and fraternities extremely seriously.
All other Greek organizations are currently in good standing with the university, which means they are not under investigation, on probation or suspended, Dorrington added.