Marquette University’s recently-released annual report for 2023-24 is split into reviewing the fiscal year through the lens of successes both on-campus and in the community and reviewing the institution’s financial statements.
The university endowment performance is summarized by its market value, endowment and policy index, all of which rose from the previous fiscal year. The market value surged from $916.8 million to $997 million, while the endowment and policy index rose by 5.5% and 3.9%, respectively.
Net property for the campus, including buildings and equipment, increased due to recent construction projects, such as the Wellness + Helfaer Recreation facility and the new College of Nursing at Straz Hall.
For the 2024 fiscal year, the annual report lists the university’s operating income at $57.1 million. Operating income describes the total revenue of an institution after subtracting both direct and indirect costs from revenue.
Net tuition and fees account for a $4.6 million increase in comparison to the previous year, reading at $253.7 million. The change is listed as a product of increased rates and growth to the student population at Marquette.
According to the philanthropy reporting standard for colleges and universities set by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, Marquette totaled $118.8 million in philanthropic giving during the 2024 fiscal year.
Investment income totaled $10.7 million, representing an uptick of over $3 million from the previous year. The change is attributed to alterations in interest rates and cash equivalency balances.
The university’s total operating revenue for the fiscal year totaled $536.2 million, 47% of which came from student tuition and fees.
Conversely, the operating expenditures of the university totaled $479.1 million. The heaviest input in the total figure comes from classroom instruction, accounting for 34% of the total at $164.3 million.
The independent auditors’ report, attached to the end of the financial statements, shares the opinion that the statements “present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the university.”
Complete information about university finances during the fiscal year can be found in the 2023-24 annual report.
This story was written by Lance Schulteis. He can be reached at [email protected].