It all started thousands of years ago. First, there was speech. Then there were cave paintings and many years later, in 1876, the first phone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. Almost 150 years later, here we are, with iPhones, Chromebooks, smart televisions and more.
We have gained a hyper–connection, the ability to communicate with others across the world with a click of a button and it’s astounding. We have lost the burden of lugging around those 5 binders, 6 folders and 3 books when everything is now in tiny screens in our pockets unless you’re a college student.
But, there’s another side to this story, we have lost trust in those that are considered inspirational like politicians and celebrities. We have gained the exploitation from false promises, like presidents or wealthy people saying they’ll do one thing but do nothing at all. Then there’s the spread of disinformation, both intentional and unintentional, manipulating everyone with just a few words.
It is a double-edged sword. From just a measly cut of its edge, anyone can be affected. Its sharp blade pierces our hearts, creating a hole filled with doubt and hatred amongst anyone we think is suspicious.
Those that speak from their heart penetrate others’ minds, each letter crashing against one another, making us want to look deeper and deeper into the abyss we call the internet.
That connection is amazing, right? Being able to call a friend that is studying abroad in Guatemala. To hear their voice as clearly as day and talk to them as long as you want.
You’re able to meet your future husband, wife or partner through online dating.
You scroll through different online stores to find that one pair of Nikes’ that you want and then it pops up as an advertisement on Instagram. What a coincidence, right?
The shine of the sword draws us in as we talk to anyone without having to tell them who we really are. We are able to communicate anonymously with specific people about anything like video games or celebrity drama.
Anonymous, fake names say whatever they want about someone or something without receiving any punishment. It’s so easy to be able to exploit someone for money or pictures because they “like them” or you’re their “friend.” They don’t realize the pain and trauma they put on themselves.
Social media’s gleam has helped so many, yet we descend further into the void of social media. We’re at the point where we can’t see the overwhelming glare of manipulation because we want to “fit in.”
The isolation increases as we stare closer and closer at the screen; we no longer want face-to-face interaction.
But, having everything on my phone or computer is awesome, right? I don’t have to carry five different binders of paperwork, another three of homework and maybe two more of other random stuff I think I should bring with me.
It’s so convenient for me to just pull out my phone from my pocket or purse. I’m able to get whatever I need from a few words.
The world we live in is astounding. Technology continues to improve quicker and quicker. With change comes risks, not only to our planet but our people.
This is a double-edged sword. A name you give to someone or something that causes both harm and good. Although the benefits outweigh the risks, it can hold a lot of power over someone if wielded incorrectly.
Be aware of how bright the shine of the blade is or one cut could pierce you so deep that both your mind and heart flood with torment and suffering.
This was written by Trinity Burgess. She can be reached at [email protected].