Following statewide primary elections Aug. 14, the Marquette University Law School released three polls evaluating voter’s feelings about candidates for local and state elections. Charles Franklin, director of the Law School Poll said the primaries narrowed the playing field down to one candidate from either party for each race, which in turn narrowed polling results.
“After the primary, people re-align with candidates that are still in the running,” Franklin said.
All poll estimates are for likely voters, defined by the poll as those who say they are certain they will vote Nov. 6. The latest poll was conducted Oct. 3-7, with a sample size of 1,000 registered voters in Wisconsin interviewed by cell phone or landline, with a margin of error of +/- 3.6 percentage points, according to the poll’s website.
The main races being monitored by the poll are the gubernatorial race and the U.S. Senate race. Currently, the poll shows incumbent Republican Gov. Scott Walker leading Democratic challenger Tony Evers, the State Superintendent of Schools, by only a point, 47-46, with only one percent saying they lack a preference or do not lean to a candidate.
The race for governor is much closer than the race for U.S. Senate, where Democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin has been leading Republican challenger Leah Vukmir by about 10 points since August, according to the poll.