Looking to spice up your spring schedule with an interesting class? Maybe you need one more elective or are just looking for something different. Here are the top twelve unique classes, both undergraduate and graduate, you can register for next semester.
- The Family
You can take a class on family. Learn about the relationships children have with parents, because figuring out your own is not confusing enough. Learn about a family’s relationship to another group or societal institution. In addition to that, you analyze how relationships with the family unit, and to the family unit, evolve. Bonus: this class fulfills the Individual and Social Behavior core requirement.
- Individual Authors: Jane Austen
Do you like English, but hate certain books? This class is for you! You already know what you are going to read, and know what you were getting yourself into. The title is self explanatory, so if you are not a fan of Austen, hang tight until next semester, another author could be offered.
- Conflict and Terror
In no way should you join a terrorist group. However, if you want to learn about domestic terror history, culture, and the investigative tactics used to fight it, this class has you covered. The criminology department also offers classes on other topics like juvenile delinquents, drugs, and sex offenders.
- Essentials of Blood Collection and Testing
Storing blood? Transferring blood? You can learn all about that at Marquette. How do people select and process blood donors? How does one test for certain diseases? How many policies regarding blood are there? All of these questions and more will soon be answered. Do not take this if you are squeamish.
- Topics in Athletic Leadership: NCAA Exploring Current Issues
Graduate students who are interested in NCAA rules and regulations can take a class on it. The best part is that you will learn about current and relevant issues, keeping you as up to date as possible. You finally have an excuse to be a sports junkie.
- Special Topics in Speech Pathology and Audiology: American Sign Language I
While there is no course description for this class (as of right now) it is safe to assume that students are going to learn sign language. While sign language may not seem to fit in the speech pathology world, speech pathologists work with patients whose various skills evolving around language have been affected. It totally makes sense and sign language is not only practical, but fun to learn.
- Swallowing Disorders
This is another speech pathology class. There is a normal swallowing process and students enrolled in this class study it during labs. You can also swallow incorrectly. Do not try that at home. Multiple disorders inhibit people’s ability to swallow but here is the good news: swallowing disorders are treatable and you will know how to fix them at the end of the semester!
- Cases in Commercial Real Estate
Analyzing real estate may not be everyone’s cup of tea. After discussing various aspects of real estate with an analytical approach, students apply their knowledge to real estate cases. Even if your dream job does not involve being a realtor, at some point in your life you will be purchasing an apartment or a house — something to keep in mind.
- Behavior and Organization
If you are a people watcher (no shame) you should definitely consider this class. While you will talk about organization of groups, behavior is another vital concept to this class. This course will discuss our behavior as an individuals and as group members and answer the question: can people really change?
- American Political Parties
With the 2016 presidential election right around the corner, it is time to learn about politics. This class takes a deeper look into the evolution of American political parties, as well as contemporary factors. Maybe being a democrat is the young people thing to do. Maybe you come from a family of republicans, but make a decision for yourself. You are voting this time around!
- Introduction to Thermodynamics
Why is Milwaukee 72 degrees one day and 40 the next? Who decided to turn the heat on in the dorms? Take this class, figure out how temperature works (and everything that goes with it), and then explain it to all of your friends. It will not end the drastic weather changes, but at least you can make sense of it.
- Honors Program Second Year Seminar: Intro to Yoga Philosophy and Practice
This unique class is only open to honors students. Honors students are required to take one seminar a year. Professors apply to teach these seminars in a topic they otherwise would not be able to teach. It gives students a break from dry textbooks, and professors a chance to share their passions. Other seminars include topics like dance and martial arts.