If you’re reading this, that makes you the most important person to me: the reader. Whether you’re a freshman, a fifth-year senior, a recent grad or longtime alum – you’ve chosen to read the hard work of the Tribune staff, and I just want to say thank you.
Over the last few years there’s been a lot of talk about changes for Marquette Student Media. Some people have embraced this idea for change, others not so much. I must admit I’ve had my fair share of resistance, but looking at my talented staff, fondly known as “Tribbers,” I couldn’t feel more prepared or excited for the road ahead.
This year the Tribune will work closely with the other branches of student media to bring you more dimensional coverage of events and happenings in the Marquette community. Instead of continuing as four entities that normally function separately, the Marquette Journal, MUTV, WMUR and the Tribune will pool our talents together, starting with our new website launching later this fall.
The renewed sense of commitment to the reader will be reflected in the quality and quantity of our work. We’ll be focusing on an online first mentality to bring you the most up-to-date and relevant news, while simultaneously providing well thought out editorial content.
I pledge to focus on matters involving our entire readership, which extends far beyond Johnston Hall and even further than the boundaries of our campus.
I hope that the changes implemented this year will better serve you as the reader and make us a stronger newspaper in the process.
So to the students, parents, professors and whoever else may be reading this online or in print: Welcome to the Marquette Tribune 2013-2014. If I can promise one thing, it’s that this will be an exciting year for everyone involved.
Keep reading.
Tessa Fox
[email protected]