A friend once told me that in college, you can only choose two out of three things to do: sleep, study, or have a social life. For over-achievers like me, however, two out of three simply isn’t enough. We want to study our butts off, maintain our friendships, and still get enough sleep so that we can function throughout the day. The last part is quite difficult to do in college with everything we are expected to manage. We often find ourselves barely keeping ourselves awake and filling our cups with more and more caffeinated drinks to stay awake.
If you’re really tired, sometimes all you need is a power nap to give you that little boost to stimulate your body to stay awake for a couple more hours. I know what you’re thinking. “But power naps don’t work for me.” That might be true. But maybe that’s because you’re sleeping for too long. Here’s a short video that scientifically explains the importance of power naps:
Also, scientists have proven that taking a nap immediately after drinking a cup of coffee maximizes your productivity. It takes around 20 to 30 minutes for the caffeine to kick in, and that time is enough for you to get a nap in. This way, your body gets rest and then you wake up just as the coffee begins to work its magic.