There’s only seven short days until Halloween. If you’re slacking on preparing for the ghoulish day, here are a few quick ways for each day left to get everything in order and fool your friends into thinking you’ve been planning for months.
Seven days left: If you haven’t gotten your costume yet, you might want to get on that before you’re stuck being something cliché. Lucky for you, I’ve got a few trendy ideas up my sleeve. Dudes, if you’re looking for something quick that allows you to show off your hot bod, perhaps a Ryan Lochte ensemble is for you. And for the ladies looking for a group costume idea, try hipster Disney princesses. Both are guaranteed for tons of likes on Facebook. Thank me later.
Six days: I know most of us are on a tight budget, but why not splurge on some decorations for your room? The festive look will create a welcoming environment for procrastination. Why do homework when you can spend that time creating a perfectly spooky door.
Five days: Buying candy is essential to Halloween festivities. Obviously available at any convenience or grocery store. I suggest buying the variety bag purely because I end up eating most of the candy, and I like variety. But other people like variety too, and what other people like is more important.
Four days: Take a break and tune into ABC Family’s annual 13 Nights of Halloween. No other time of the year can you watch Hocus Pocus, Beetlejuice and The Addams Family movies all in a row.
Three days: Carve, er decorate, a jack-o-lantern. No one should have knives strong enough to carve a pumpkin with them, but I’m sure a lot of people have Sharpies. You can easily get a mini pumpkin and draw a jack-o-lantern face on one, or let your creative side take over.
Two days: Continue the crafting trend by coloring some print outs or create a bat garland. In order to recover some of my sanity from a stressful week, I decided to create this bat garland. I probably enjoyed it too much. But hey, it adds to the decorations in my room.
One day: At this point, you’re probably dying to eat the candy you bought to give to people. But you must resist. Subdue that craving for sweets with some Halloween themed baking. Cutely decorated cupcakes and cookies will always hit the spot.
Finally, after all your preparations, it’s Halloween! Put on your costume and hand out that variety bag of candy to trick-or-treaters. Sign up for HALLoween so cute kids in costumes from all over Milwaukee will come to your residence hall or apartment. Happy Halloween!