Jennifer Rusch: College of Education Sophomore
“Really gaudy gold bracelet with big presents dangling from it.”
Nate Schultz: College of Education Sophomore
“Box of 96 crayons from my parents.”
Courtney Fiene: College of Business Freshman
“My grandma put Vaseline in my stocking!”
Kay Buensuceso: College of Education Sophomore
“My ex-boyfriend got me Victoria’s Secret sweatpants that were two sizes too big.”
Emily Foley: College of Engineering Sophomore
“When I was 13, my grandma bought me pink onesie pajamas.”
Brad Schanke: College of Engineering Sophomore
Patrick Paulino: College of Engineering Freshman
“My friend took stuff from my room and re-gifted it as a present.”
William Castedo: College of Engineering Freshman
“My parents got me ‘Hooked on Phonics.’ ”
Kelly Schuster: College of Education Sophomore
“My mom got me the same coffee maker that I already owned, and she knew I already had the same exact one.”
Kevin Fries: College of Business Administration Sophomore
“My aunt bought me a plaid outfit for a 6-year-old when I was 13.”
Kristina Nichols: College of Art and Sciences Junior
“My grandma got me formal white dinner napkins.”
Bridget Hansen: College of Arts and Sciences Sophomore
“My crazy Aunt Patty bought me a top with the American flag on it that said life, liberty and the pursuit of chasing boys.”
Anna Mohr: College of Arts and Sciences Sophomore
“I wanted a cell phone really bad one year and my dad found a broke, beat up cell phone on the ground and wrapped it up in a big box. I was so excited until I found out it was a joke. But after my parents really got me the pink RAZR phone I wanted.”
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