The acclaimed movie adaptation of the novel “It Ends With Us” by Colleen Hoover started a leadership feud that escalated into a costly legal dispute. Blake Lively, who portrays Lily Bloom, and Justin Baldoni, who plays her toxic love interest Ryle and directed the film, have opened up about numerous challenges they faced during the production and aftermath of the movie.
Blake Lively’s excessive overreach, marked by her attempts at asserting direction and artistic authority, has made her a polarizing figure in the ongoing dispute. As new evidence continues to emerge everyday, while tensions rise and evolve, casting her as a key figure in this conflict. During filming in May 2023, Baldoni felt that Lively was crossing the line, overstepping her role as an actor by asserting excessive control over creative decisions. One could say these were creative differences, but it soon flourished into four law suits and civil rights complaint.
Lively has accused Baldoni of sexual harassment- and retaliation while Baldoni has accused her of defamation. Over the years, Lively has built up a reputation of being difficult to work with, while the former “Jane the Virgin” star has gained the public’s love and support.
During the movie’s premiere, Baldoni and Lively were not seen in a single photo together, sparking concern among fans. Later, it was revealed that Baldoni and his family were banished to the basement and physically excluded from the main event- despite him being the director of the film. This exclusion relates to a deeper issue of the lack of recognition of the movie’s central values.
I was disappointed by the lack of advocation that Lively demonstrated on raising awareness for domestic violence, a central theme of the story. Instead, much of her promotion for the film was focused on the floral aesthetic. Given that Lively is supposedly suing Baldoni for related concerns, it feels that this sensitive and important issue was not given the rightful attention. Lively’s promotion tactics are centered around superficial aspects, which diverted attention from the serious theme of the film.
Baldoni’s case is stronger than Lively’s, especially with the recent footage released of them sharing friendly banter as well as an intimate and comfortable moment behind the screen of filming. This relationship looked to be authentic and genuine, with little to no tension or discomfort.
Lively’s accusations seem to be a fruitless attempt to protect her reputation after a failed press tour. Both sides seem to be slowly but surely destroying the other’s reputation through these constant accusations and lawsuits, with little to no end in sight.
This story was written by Katie Mancini. She can be reached at [email protected]