A Marquette student is in the hospital following an accident early Friday morning, when a balcony railing gave way, causing him to fall from the third floor of an off-campus apartment.
According to an e-mail sent to Marquette students by Christopher Miller, vice president of Student Affairs, the student was immediately transported to Froedtert Hospital, where he is being treated for “serious injuries.” Campus Ministry has met with the victim’s family at the hospital to offer support and held a prayer service for the student in the Alumni Memorial Union’s Chapel of the Holy Family at 4 p.m. Friday.
The building where the incident occurred, the Balcony Apartments, is located on the intersection of 15th Street and Kilbourn Avenue and is owned by Shovers Realty. The wire railing the student had been leaning on is now covered by a wooden board, and the Department of Public Safety has posted notices within the building advising students to avoid the balconies.
A representative for Shovers Realty said she was unauthorized to talk about the incident. In his email, Miller said the university was looking into the situation and had contacted Shovers to try to better understand what had happened.
“We have been in touch with both the City of Milwaukee and the building owner to fully understand how the situation occurred,” Miller said.