Marquette Student Government President Joey Ciccone announced Thursday that the executive leadership council, made up of the university president, vice presidents and deans, met and discussed enrollment and diversity. MUSG Executive Vice President Trent Carlson said election packets are online, and applications for the all-university committee will be available soon.
Communications Vice President Arica VanBoxtel said there is a dining survey on the MUSG Twitter and Facebook accounts for students to take.
Alex Lahr, a sophomore in the College of Communication, was elected communications vice president for the 2012-13 school year in a 29-0-0 vote. Lahr said he would like to add multimedia to the MUSG website through photos and integrate its social media with the website through a Twitter stream.
Program Vice President Derek Merten also announced there will be a Honduran reggae artist at the Brew as part of a proposed Coffee House series. Merten said the Night of Chocolate candy bars, including those with golden tickets granting free admission into the event, were to be distributed Friday or Monday. The Night of Chocolate is this Saturday from 8 to 10 p.m. in the Alumni Memorial Union Ballrooms.
Table tennis and figure skating, both club sports, were approved by the student organizations committee. The academics committee met and discussed advocating for a possible TA training process, an art history major and different theology requirements.