Friday, Jan. 6
Between 8:59 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., an employee reported receiving harassing phone calls from a person not affiliated with Marquette.
At 9:03 p.m., DPS observed a person not affiliated with Marquette prowling outside the Alumni Memorial Union. MPD was contacted and took the subject into custody.
Saturday, Jan. 7
Between 2:31 a.m. and 2:32 a.m., a student was battered by a group of unidentified suspects in an alleyway in the 900 block of N. 16th St. and sustained minor injuries. MPD and MFD were contacted. Ambulance personnel medically cleared the student. One of the suspects was located and taken into custody by MPD. The suspect is not affiliated with Marquette.
At 9:08 p.m., two students reported that another student’s relative not affiliated with Marquette made verbal threats against the two students. MPD will cite the suspect.
Sunday, Jan. 8
At 5:16 a.m., unknown person(s) vandalized university property in Campus Town West, causing an estimated $50 in damage. Facilities Services was contacted.
Monday, Jan. 9
At 4:35 p.m., a person not affiliated with Marquette trespassed in the Alumni Memorial Union and was cited by MPD.
Tuesday, Jan. 10
At 3:33 p.m., an employee reported that unknown person(s) used a stolen credit card to purchase Marquette Basketball tickets. The estimated loss is $562. MPD was contacted.