Much coverage over the state budget crises has focused upon the reasons for the holdup within the state legislature. Yet, I am appalled that little coverage has been about the students who desperately need the assistance of the state.
I am a current student and received a $2,900 tuition grant from the state this year. The Wisconsin State Tuition Grant purposely acknowledges those students who stay in the state of Wisconsin to continue their education.
Yet, due to budget battles, that money seems to be an invisible check. As students, we do not have a lot in our saving accounts – especially those students who depend upon the state and federal governments for financial need. Marquette students are not the only ones feeling the pressure that state legislature has put upon us.
The UW system may face significant cuts to research as a result of selfish legislature's inability to pass a budget. In addition, nearly 22,400 students across the state are either waiting for notification or the arrival of financial aid. Some students simply have been forced to drop out.
It was in August when the decisions of college students across the state needed to determine the amount of state and federal aid granted to them for their educational success. It was then that I was promised my state grant and, as such, purposely took out a significantly lower loan.
Others like me did so as well, figuring it cheaper because grants do not need to be paid back unlike loans. However, without a signed budget, students, like me, are suffering to come up with November's rent and books for class.
Without a state budget, who can the students and future leading citizens of Wisconsin turn to? It is a scandal that the leaders and the governor of the state of Wisconsin would treat its future citizens and leaders so unfairly. It is time for the budget to be settled.