Andrew Huebner is an architectual engineering student at MSOE
As a Milwaukee School of Engineering student, I would like to begin by saying how embarrassing Rosemary Lane's Oct. 4 article, "MSOE students more than engineers, gamers and mathletes," was.
Naturally, when I say embarrassing, one would think I meant it was embarrassing for me, considering I go to a school of introverted "nerds" who are all closet homosexuals. I understand that there are intercollegiate rivalries and there are competitions in many activities between MSOE and Marquette. College is supposed to be a fun time in life, but as college students, aren't we at the point in our lives where maturity is starting to kick in?
Clearly this article was intended to inform the Marquette student body of college life outside MU. If the purpose was anything else, why take the time to contact and question MSOE students? Why not fabricate and exaggerate an already false perception of MSOE?
I'm having a difficult time deciding which emotions to focus on whom. Should I feel sorry for the writer because of her clear lack of journalistic skill, or should I feel mad at the entire journalism department because of the obviously poor education they are offering? I'd be curious to read more of the Tribune's articles about other colleges. If this is a true indicator of how MSOE is perceived by people around Milwaukee, I can only imagine what could be said about the other colleges and universities in the area.
I hope after reading this response, people will grow up and think twice about what really matters in life.