,”MUSG General Election 2009 Sample Ballot
Students can vote online from 12:01 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Wednesday at http://musg.mu.edu/vote. Results will be announced at 4 p.m. on Thursday outside the Marquette Student Government office, Alumni Memorial Union Room 133. Visit www.marquettetribune.org on Thursday afternoon for the election results.
MUSG President/Executive Vice President (vote for one)
–John Kristan, junior, College of Arts & Sciences and Shazia Ali, junior, College of Arts & Sciences
–Henry Thomas, junior, College of Arts & Sciences and Stephanie Stopka, junior, College of Business Administration
For a breakdown of the issues in this race, see the recap of Monday night's debate on page one and at www.marquettetribune.org.
Arts & Sciences Senator:
–Joseph Ciccone, freshman
–Emil Ovbiagele, freshman
–Abe Matthew, senior (write-in)
Business Administration Senator:
–Trent Carlson, sophomore (write-in)
–John Dunlap, sophomore (write-in)
–Benjamin Neary, sophomore (write-in)
–Alexander Wirtz, junior (write-in)
Communication Senator:
–Katie Simoncic, freshman
Education Senator:
No registered candidates
Engineering Senator:
–Ellie Hawkinson, sophomore
–Bryan Fay, freshman (write-in)
Health Sciences Senator:
–Aaron Gilling, freshman (write-in)
Nursing Senator:
–Adam Tandez, senior
Residence Hall Association President (vote for one)
–Matthew Dresen, sophomore, College of Business Administration
Platform: Dresen says he will pursue residence hall improvements such as more televisions in residence hall lobbies, and the completion of projects like the weight room in Schroeder Hall. Dresen also says he will increase transparency through a more accessible RHA Web site and the creation of an RHA ListServe, an e-mail mailing list. He says he will propose initiatives to make residence halls greener, including automatically turning off hall lights at a certain time.
–Megan Janni, senior, College of Arts & Sciences
Platform: Janni says she will help make residence halls greener by encouraging residents to be more energy-efficient and to recycle, by working to place energy-efficient light bulbs in halls and through evaluating the halls for potential improvements to their sustainability. Janni says she will encourage RHA representatives to work with residents to identify problems in the residence halls and to work with other student groups to tackle larger issues. She also says she will increase leadership development within RHA to help representatives become leaders on campus.
–John Forristal, freshman, College of Communication
Platform: Forristal says he will strive to make representatives more visible to constituents. Forristal also says he will create an RHA Web site where students can submit concerns for RHA representatives to read and to take action on. He says he will improve dining services, increase communication between students and the administration and try to bring major concerts to campus.
RHA Vice President:
–David Spence, sophomore, College of Business Administration
Senior Speaker Candidates (vote for one):
–Jean Baumgardner, College of Health Sciences
–Kathleen Cullen, College of Arts & Sciences
–James Ferguson, College of Arts & Sciences
–Christopher Hallberg, College of Arts & Sciences
–Patrick Lehman, College of Engineering
–Mary Leukam, College of Arts & Sciences
–Amanda Pazik, College of Nursing
–Stephanie Trifone, College of Arts & Sciences
–Mary Kate Wagner, College of Arts & Sciences
–Jasmine Zapata, College of Health Sciences
Referendum (as it will appear on ballot):
Marquette University created the Office of the Ombuds in 2002 to give "concrete expression to its care for the person, its quest for organizational excellence and its commitment to justice and fairness." The current ombuds' mission at Marquette University is "to provide a confidential, neutral and informal resource to facilitate resolutions to workplace concerns of faculty and staff." An ombuds is defined as a confidential, impartial and independent student resource whose goal is to ensure that fair processes are in place and that everyone has access to them.
Should Marquette University expand the role of the Office of the Ombuds to include confidential and impartial outlets for students' academic concerns?
(Vote Yes or No)
Sources: Marquette Student Government, Tribune reporting