It's midterms week. If you didn't know that, you should probably go frantically check your syllabi for exams. The rest of you should read on, because I'm divulging some vitally important studying tips.
Number one: Find the perfect study spot.
I recommend The Brew. If you study there, you can spend half your time chatting with people, a quarter of your time staring at customers ordering coffee and the other quarter of your time looking at your notes. Now that's what I call good time management. Talk about productivity.
You can get distracted anywhere though — I even get distracted in the cubicle desks at the library. I can't help it — sometimes the wood grain looks like people and then I have to look for more hidden pictures or read the messages left by other distracted studiers.
These messages are usually very insightful. Last time I studied I learned that 'boys are stupid,' 'Tim is the cat's pajamas' and 'Don likes fat chicks.'
The messages left by former studiers make me feel really good about being trapped in the library, too. Especially these: 'Haha, you're studying' and 'While you sit here studying, I'm getting drunk.'
Number two: The study guide is key.
I've always really appreciated study guides. Something about being able to check off everything that could be on the test makes me feel pretty confident when I walk in to take my exam.
But all study guides are not created equal. Some are way more helpful than others.
The best study guide I ever received was one that listed various class topics followed by more specific terms to study. I know that sounds basic, but the best part is yet to come. At the end of each list were three little letters: etc.
That's right. My professor made a study guide to tell us to study everything. So helpful.
The runner-up to this study guide was one that simply listed all the chapters in our textbook. Thanks professor, that really narrows it down for me. Totally worth copying that for the class.
Number three: Study in groups of friends.
This is a sure-fire way to remember exactly what your friend did last weekend and the snarky things you said about the people studying at the next table, both of which will undoubtedly be on your exam.
If you study with friends in the library, you can look forward to death stares from studiers who want perfect quiet. Sometimes you can even make them get up in an angry huff and leave. That's a fun game.
The last time I studied with a friend for an exam, I did accomplish a few things: I got caught up on my YouTube viewing and ate an entire bag of Reese's. A+ exam grade, here I come.
So here's to studying. It's the most fun you'll ever have in college.
I hope my tips come in handy. If not, that's your own fault — after all, you could have been studying instead of reading this.