Lucky Boys Confusion, a group from Chicago suburbia, dives into multiple musical genres with the cooperation of Kaustubh Pandav, guitarist and keyboardist Adam Krier, drummer Ryan Fergus, bassist Jason Schultejann and guitarist Joe Sell.,”Feeding off enthusiasm and crowd energy, the rock/ska band Lucky Boys Confusion drops into the Varsity Theatre with Reel Big Fish on Sunday expecting uproarious cheering.
Lucky Boys Confusion, a group from Chicago suburbia, dives into multiple musical genres with the cooperation of Kaustubh Pandav, guitarist and keyboardist Adam Krier, drummer Ryan Fergus, bassist Jason Schultejann and guitarist Joe Sell.
Front man vocalist Pandav, also known as Stubhy, said he lives off an excited crowd and knows Reel Big Fish gets people rowdy like Lucky Boys Confusion does.
"The more the crowd gets into it," Pandav said, "the more the band can get into it."
Lucky Boys Confusion returns to Milwaukee after consistently visiting over the past 10 years and has played shows at the Rave and Summerfest. This parallels Pandav's thoughts because it appears live concerts are Lucky Boys Confusion's future.
"Lucky Boys Confusion has nothing in the works album-wise," Pandav said. "We don't want to give throwaway songs to our fans."
Pandav remains adamant about delivering live performances for fans by playing pleasing and esteemed tunes.
"There's always room to find new fans as well," Pandav said. "It's great to see young kids walking around with Nirvana shirts."
Pandav continues work on his new solo project, Shock Stars. He said it's a fresh deviation from Lucky Boys Confusion, combining dance, rock and Michael Jackson-influenced pop.
Die hard Lucky Boys Confusion fans should also check out Krier's side project American Taxi. According to Pandav, American Taxi is quite similar to Lucky Boys Confusion.
As a live performance supporter, Pandav said the Chicago concert scene is impressive.
"Any day of the week you can find 10 different clubs having concerts," Pandav said. "You usually find original bands playing, but you can also find cover bands playing at both big and small venues."
While Pandav said he realizes playing with Lucky Boys Confusion is a job, he cannot help but get excited about his side projects and live shows.
"I just love writing music," Pandav said.
Student tickets are $15 with a Marquette ID and general public tickets are $22. Doors open at 6 p.m., the concert startss at 7 p.m. at the Varsity Theatre. Individuals must be at least 18 years old to attend.