Agreeing that social outlets are limited for underage and non-drinking students at Marquette, administrators and student representatives met Friday seeking remedies for the problem.
“Students perceive that in order to be accepted they have to drink,” said Mike Kujawski, president of the Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students. “We don’t see that as a necessary prerequisite.”
Kujawski, residence hall representatives and ASMU have begun considering programs for freshmen and other students who choose not to drink.
One possibility is to obtain space in West Hall for alcohol-free events. The hall has a room which used to be a nightclub when the building was a Holiday Inn, according to West Hall Director Ann Aversa.
“If students can have that kind of bar atmosphere, where they can dance and have a good time, maybe they won’t mind not having alcohol,” Aversa.
The West Hall Council may open the room to West residents on a trial basis, she said. However, the ventilation system there needs extensive repair.
Having disc jockeys regularly play in residence hall cafeterias, where no alcohol would be available, was mentioned as an inexpensive programming idea which could benefit some students.
“It’s more than what we’re doing now,” said Kathy Kinch, assistant dean of students for the Office of Student Life.
“Those who want to drink will always drink,” she said. “But there is a population who could use something like this.”
Mike Bongard, ASMU programming vice president, said that ASMU’s nighttime programming “has bombed in the past.” Most of those programs were held in the Brooks Memorial Union.
“Let’s give it a try in the residence halls and see what happens,” Kinch said.
Alcohol-free programming shouldn’t only be aimed at freshmen, Kujawski said. “Freshmen should realize that upperclassmen are also involved.
“We must let (freshmen) know that they don’t have to drink to fit in,” he said.