War in Iraq:
Bush asked Congress to support an increase of 92,000 troops in Iraq over the next five years.
"This is not the fight we entered in Iraq, but it's the fight we're in. … Yet it would not be like us to leave our promises unkept, our friends abandoned and our own security at risk.,”
War in Iraq:
Bush asked Congress to support an increase of 92,000 troops in Iraq over the next five years.
"This is not the fight we entered in Iraq, but it's the fight we're in. … Yet it would not be like us to leave our promises unkept, our friends abandoned and our own security at risk."
Since No Child Left Behind was passed five years ago, Bush said students have stronger skills in math and reading.
"I ask Congress to reauthorize this good law."
The goal to eliminate the federal deficit in the next five years.
"We must balance the federal budget. We can do so without raising taxes."
Bush's plan is to reduce gas usage in the United States by 20 percent in the next 10 years. He put forward ideas about establishing a mandatory fuel standard and reforming the fuel economy standards for cars.
"For too long our nation has been dependent on foreign oil. … "We've made a lot of progress. Now even more dramatic advances are in reach."
Health Care:
Bush said he wants uninsured citizens to purchase their own health insurance plans. He also wants to grant federal funds to states that give affordable health care.
"Remember that the best health care decisions are not made by government and insurance companies but by patients and their doctors."
Bush spoke of establishing a temporary worker program and enforcing immigration laws at work sites.
"We need a serious, civil, conclusive debate so you can pass, and I can sign, immigration reform into law."
Reaction by Jason Rae, chair of Marquette University College Democrats:
War in Iraq:
"As Democrats, we do support the troops. But we need to slowly withdraw and leave the situation in the Iraqis' hands and let them begin the process of running their own country."
Congress won't approve an increase of troops, Rae said.
"NCLB has positive features. But it was basically an unfunded mandate that didn't give schools the ability to make changes." Rae said he thinks the act will be reauthorized but hopes the new bill will provide federal funding.
"Balancing the budget is something we need to do. We've been running up deficits for far too long in this country."
Eliminating the deficit in five years is not such a feasible goal if Bush plans on spending billions of dollars in Iraq, Rae said.
"Bush gave several options to curb our oil use but nuclear power is not the way we should be going. We should be investing our resources in other alternatives."
Rae called the plan to cut gas use a "bold initiative" and said the president took a page from Al Gore's book.
Health Care:
"He did propose interesting policy in the area of health care. But he implied that private health insurance is best for all citizens and it isn't. Giving tax breaks to people so they can go out and purchase it on their own isn't the way to go."
"I'm hoping we get something through. The president is really trying on this issue to be bipartisan with the guest worker program."
Reaction by Dan Maciejewski, chair of Marquette University College Republicans:
War in Iraq:
"It'll be interesting to see whether the Democrats will stand behind their rhetoric, so to speak. When it comes right down to it, they haven't voted that way."
Maciejewski said he thinks the troop increase will pass Congress with a fairly wide margin.
"Whether or not a Democratic Congress, with the way the teachers' unions support them, will pass it, I don't know if that will happen. … A reauthorization will help continue to foster accountability in public schools."
"We want to bring fiscal responsibility back to Congress. The spending in the last five years has been out of control. … I was glad to see the president stepping up."
"(Making a 20 percent cut) really depends on the alternative fuels and whether technology will be accessible to consumers. It'll be really hard if consumers don't like it."
Health Care:
"Universal health care might help more but the quality won't be as good as private insurance. … These plans will allow people to act, allow people to choose. I give him credit for bringing up an issue that's been overlooked by policy makers."
"(A guest worker program is) not going to appease the hardliners on immigration. … As long as the focus remains on securing the borders, I'm all for that."