In response to Matt Bajt's Oct. 11 Viewpoint, "Freshmen Should Avoid Weight Room Taboos," I would like to say I am appalled by his inflated ego and ignorant approach. Let's address some of Matt's gripes.
1. Bajt's claims to being an "expert." He could not have had any physical therapy classes except for possibly a medical terminology course. I know this for a fact because I am a fourth-year student in the program. The closest he may have had to any sort of proper lifting classes is Strength and Conditioning. Even if Bajt in the class now, it gives him no authority to instruct others on proper technique. Sorry to say, but "Muscle and Fitness" or any other magazines or books Bajt may have read give him no authority to do what he is doing in the weight room. Secondly, Bajt is not employed by the Rec Center. This means that if people do listen to him and are injured in the process, it can mean an interesting legal suit with the defendant (that's Bajt) being a random kid in the weight room claiming to have an authority on the subject. The only way Bajt should be giving out any sort of training advice is if he a certified personal trainer ( would be a good place to start, that is how I am certified).
2. As for complaint number two, I am not surprised that Bajt is unaware that most people who do use rec facilities and other fitness centers do so because of the social atmosphere. Not only does that social gathering keep them coming to the facility, it is the motivation to work out. In fact, that is why so many people use workout partners. Instead of being upset at them, they should be applauded because they are doing something to try and stay fit.
3. Finally, while I commend Bajt's concern for those using the Rec Center, let me explain that there are other goals than just bodybuilding. One can add mass, size, tone, weight loss, or do a beach body workout like the gentleman you watched in the Abercrombie & Fitch "jumpsuit." Regardless of a person's goal, he or she has every right to what they want to do.
Let me add my own list now, one that everyone should follow not excluding anyone: Shoes should always be worn NO SANDALS! Cleaning of equipment after use is just common courtesy. When performing a bicep curl, only the elbow joint should be moving, not your entire body. Abs should be kept tight during all your exercises. Proper breathing techniques should always be used.
In conclusion Matt, while your intent may have been to inform rec users of proper technique, form, and etiquette, all you did was insult your fellow Rec Center users and display your own lack of knowledge in this subject. Matt, I hope you learn that properly educating of others is what physical therapy is all about. However, it is not pointing the finger at those who may not know correct form and technique. If you cannot comprehend this point, you will have a very difficult time in the physical therapy world, let alone getting into the program.
This viewpoint was published in The Marquette Tribune on October 27, 2005.