Parents and relatives of more than 500 Marquette students could flock to campus to participate in a familiar event with a new name this weekend.
So far, 451 families have registered to at least one of the events and Schoreder expects that number to go over 500. A variety of events are planned and they range from one hour of sibling bowling to a dinner and coffee program featuring a Comedy Sportz Show at the AMU ballroom.
“We wanted to have a wide variety of activities so that kids can spend time with their relatives even though and not get bored or complain,” said Joanne Stolowski, president of the Marquette Parent Association. “Changing the name allows not only parents but aunts, uncles, siblings and grandparents to come and see Marquette either again or for the first time.”
The Comedy Sportz show, which was started last year, was the most widely attended show last year and the event is nearly sold out this year.
Another event happening on-campus during the weekend is a Marquette Men’s Soccer game going on at Saturday at valley fields starting at 7 p.m. The will being playing against Conference USA rival Memphis.
If relatives want to take their students away from the campus, a number of events are scheduled in Milwaukee. Families can visit either the Milwaukee Museum featuring the IMAX theatre playing films. The museum is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day.