In response to Marianne Gosz’s column two weeks ago, I would like to set the story straight. While Sarah Sherman’s column took into account an average student athlete’s time commitments for a given week, she didn’t look specifically into any one particular sport, at any specific time of year.
Something I feel Gosz might be overlooking in all of this is that she participates in her extra-curricular activities for her own self-interest: to diversify your resume or to help you out on an application for graduate school, I’m not sure. Something I am sure about is that being a theater major with an extra-curricular activity does not allow you to question the dedication, or time constraints of athletes, especially basketball players.
Because you are often in Helfaer Theater or in class, you have no idea what is going on at the Old Gym. Members of the basketball team, when they are not in practice, are in class. If they are not in class, they are hitting the weights for hours, putting their bodies through physical exhaustion you can’t even fathom. Every day they put their bodies on the line either in practice, the weight room, open gym sessions or team shoot-arounds. And after all that, they end their day with a nice helping of mandatory athletic study hall because of the dedication they have to their academics. All their hard work is so that when Gosz writes on her resume that she went to Marquette (to apply for a job she doesn’t deserve after a lackluster acting career), she will be able to be glad that the person offering her the job had a blast in New Orleans while cheering on the basketball team.
I’m sorry about the delay in my response — I was hoping to have my Viewpoint in the Tribune last week. But unfortunately, I was out of town for six out of the last seven days this past week representing our school. I’m not asking for a thank you, and I don’t feel I deserve one, but all I’m saying is, given our respective situations what they are, I think I’d rather be an actor.
Mullin is a junior pre-law major and a member of the men’s soccer team.