I would like to respond to Richard Meyer’s Viewpoint pertaining to Marquette ITS. First, I am in no way affiliated with the Marquette IT Department. Now, I would just like to say that if Richard calls himself a “geek” I am ashamed to share that classification with him.
What many people don’t realize is that system administrators are cursed. They work their tails off to ensure that everything works flawlessly, and when it does no one notices that it does. Instead, it is when things break (usually because of a user) that people notice. I would like to thank the IT department for all the times that it felt like no one noticed. Some of us did.
I appreciate the fact that Meyer is “growing concerned for where” his $20,000 is going, but shouldn’t he perhaps be questioning whoever made the decision to put those concrete turrets (or “islands” as they call them) up all over campus. I am curious exactly how much each of these monstrosities costs. I hope journalism works out for you, Meyer.
Neckar is a junior computer engineering major.