This is a response to the Marianne Gosz, Danny Mullin, Lisa Vaccarello and Anabelle Espinosa debate about the sports and theater. First of all, I would like to thank Espinosa for coming to see two of our productions last year. I am glad you enjoy going to theater productions when they are not required of you. However, it is wrong to presume that theater majors do not support Marquette sports. I do not know if anyone from the theater department goes to see the tennis matches. However, I do know that there are quite a few people who go to see the basketball games, and one theater major is on the MU Crew team.
Even when the school year ends, there is no rest for my brother. He has football camp every summer, which takes place five days a week and lasts up to up to eight hours a day (depending on whether he’s in doubles). Knowing how challenging and time consuming both theater and sports are, I think it is unfair for either side of this ridiculous argument to put the other side down and say that either they have it worse or are under more pressure.You cannot possibly know what it is like to be in the other person’s shoes until you have walked in them. Unless you switch places with someone to see what the other’s life is like, do not presume that your side is better, more difficult, more valuable, more time consuming, etc. Everybody take a breath.
Also, Dwyane Wade took Acting for Non-Theater Majors last year, but he was not an active theater major. The demands of both basketball and theater would make it difficult to be fully committed to both. Go see the theatre productions and have fun watching the sports games. But please, no more talking about them unless it is a comment about a play you saw or a game which you attended.
Smothers is a junior theater and English major.