As far as I am concerned, you can all leave. I am of course referring to all of the people who write in to the Tribune and complain about Marquette, specifically in the Oct. 21 issue. I am well aware that Marquette is not paradise and it is not the best school in the world. But what did you expect? I’m a sophomore; I’ve been here for two years. Believe me, I know the Internet goes down, I know the library is busy and I am very aware of the fact that Calculus II is hard enough without having it explained by someone with an accent. But that does not give you the right to badmouth Marquette.
I am aware that I come off as angry, and the fact is I am. I am so sick and tired of people complaining about the administration or class size or the weather or that books are too expensive. No one forced you to come here; no one is forcing you to stay. If you hate it so much, then just get out!
Oh, I’m pretty sure the Marquette brass did not just decide one day to build the Al McGuire Center instead of refurbishing lab equipment. The school did not simply “dish out” $31 million. Most of the building was paid for with donations. And I think most people would agree that our new top-notch library is worth delaying the replacement of a 3-year-old piece of lab equipment.
Teske is a sophomore engineering major.