Bob Mate’s “Deal With It” column in the Oct. 28 Viewpoints section is unsurprising. Honestly, the fault of misunderstanding each other’s views has always hindered liberal and conservative cooperation. We conservatives have at times shown such confusion over liberal ideals, so I will address the issue respectfully.
Therefore, to remove a feeding tube or to abort an infant is a crime. Certainly, though I am conservative, I can conceive situations in which these options might seem best, but to allow them is hypocrisy. Indeed, Mate, what you call a flaw in our logic is only our ceaseless adherence to our beliefs. We believe in personal freedom, but not at the cost of another person’s. I suggest that what you want is to change the definition of personal freedom to allow for euthanasia and infanticide not because you sincerely believe they are reasonable. Rather, it is the outcome you want, and therefore reach.
I am fully aware that we see these issues differently. You see euthanasia and abortion as functions of individual rights, while I see them as infringements on individual rights. Therefore, please do not claim I am a hypocrite for not allowing what I see as murder. Were I so inclined I could list recent acts from your side I see as hypocritical. These might include the Dixie Chicks whining about “free speech” to citizens speaking out freely against them, repeated Iraq-Vietnam comparisons from the party responsible for the loss of the Vietnam War or constant anti-conservative cartoons featured twice weekly on a page you claim holds no political bias. But such comments would be mean-spirited and not in keeping with my values. And we conservatives are not hypocrites.
Uhrich is a freshman economics major.