The first big debate was over the gay pride flag in the AMU. That was good times. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people quote the Catechism. I’ve never read the Catechism, but it must have been the fall’s best-selling, non-stop thrill ride drama. I mean, why else would so many people read it? Also, the anti-flag (no pun intended) side made an important PSA: Marquette is, indeed, a Catholic, Jesuit university. I had absolutely no idea that Marquette was either Catholic or Jesuit until these people mentioned it in every single Viewpoint they wrote. In any case, the flag still waves.
My favorite debate was between conservatives and me over whether Viewpoints is truly an equal forum. I explained that Viewpoints’ ideological makeup is determined by the type of submissions, but let’s check the box score. Today is a liberal fest, but as of last week there were 28 conservative and 28 liberal Viewpoints (figures are available upon e-mailed request). Talk about “fair and balanced.” This shows that Viewpoints is succeeding in giving “all sides of an issue an equal voice.” But I’m sure this is all part of my plot, and I will slam the door on conservatives next semester!
Actually no. You conservatives are just paranoid.
Marianne Gosz and the theater majors’ jihad against athletes (or was it the other way around?) was also entertaining. Finally, the great high school rivalry between jocks and actors came to Marquette. It showed us all that there’s so much more to both of these groups than the pompous elitism they’re known for. They have feelings. Prick them, do they not bleed? Oops, that was a theater reference! Now I’m going to get beaten up by the jocks! Seriously though, the “Full House” moment of the semester was when the theater majors and athletes finally made their peace. Aww…
The most rancorous debate was over Vox — the proposed Planned Parenthood student group. I have to give credit to Vox for putting up a good fight, but sometimes even Patton has to admit defeat. Personally, I was under the impression that Planned Parenthood provided quality women’s heath care. But based on the vehemence of the opposition Viewpoints, I’m pretty sure that they are responsible for every atrocity in history. You Vox people killed my goldfish, didn’t you?! Anyway, I was saying something about paranoia before…
All in all, it has been a great semester for Viewpoints. To all the people who wrote in, thank you for making the section a success. Good luck on finals and have a great break.