"Ethics": A principle of right or good conduct. A system of moral values.
Ethical behavior, moral character and respect for our fellowman have been the hallmark of our society since the founding of our nation. It is very unfortunate however, that these characteristics have been severely eroded over many years. Marquette University has held firm to these principles in its effort to strive for excellence and service to others. It is a shame however, that some students and some faculty have used the First Amendment to justify saying publicly what ever they want, whenever they want, about their institution or fellow man; regardless of how much it hurts them either physically or emotionally.
Dentistry has always prided itself in being held in great respect for these values by the general public. It has always been given high marks for honesty, integrity and ability by the people we serve, more so than any other profession.
Our dental school tries to instill in its students these most important characteristics and hold them to a higher standard of integrity and ethics that are necessary to continue to serve the respect of the public.
It is too bad that Marquette University, and its dental school in particular, has gotten such a black eye and has suffered so much bad press over this last incident of immature behavior. In the future I would hope that students and faculty alike would reexamine their conscience and "do unto others as you want them to do unto you."