On freshmen move-in day this year, my friend and I decided to reminisce. So, using our friend’s freshman sister as our ticket in, we ventured to McCormick Hall. But after trying to creep on the girls in my old room on “2 East” and expressing my jealousy over all the new furniture and anger over the converted study lounges, I noticed most of the periwinkle doors on the floor were already decorated with cheek-to-cheek roomie pics. Most of these residents seemed to already know each other––or they had met each other through Facebook, I’m assuming. An opinion piece in the New York Times talks about how incoming freshmen are shying away from random roommates since it’s so easy to meet your “perfect” roommate on Facebook or on other roommate-finding websites. I mean, I remember the Facebook groups: “Marquette Class of 2013!” and “MARQUETTE, YO.” I was, of course, tempted to find my perfect roommate match––or at least have awkward Facebook message conversations with other incoming freshman––and I did make a few acquaintances via the groups. But I decided to go with the rando’. Freshman year is supposed to be strange.
Props to the randoms
Sarah Butler
September 8, 2011
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