By: Olivia Morrissey
You remember dressing up for class freshman year, meeting your first roommate, staying out too late, eating dorm food, dealing with eccentric professors and watching years left of college turn into days. But you also remember what you might wish you could forget: the most embarrassing moment of your college career. If it hasn’t happened yet, trust us, it will. Your cheeks will burn at the thought of it and you’ll pray there were no witnesses. Don’t worry, someday you’ll look back on this moment and laugh. Until then, take heart (and maybe have a laugh) in the embarrassing moments of these brave souls. We’ve all been there.
– “Freshman year, sitting in the wrong classroom and not figuring it out until 30 minutes into the lecture that I wasn’t where I was supposed to be. Then instead of just sitting there and waiting until it was over, I got up and said, ‘I’m sorry, I’m in the wrong class,’ and walked out. Typical freshmen moment right there.” – Jackie Blake, College of Nursing, Class of 2013
– “Freshman year, I was running late to my American Politics class, which had over 100 people in it. As I ran into the lecture hall and up the two steps to my seat in the third row, I tripped in front of everyone. Tried to laugh it off but no one else laughed. Found out after class that I had a concussion. My grace and talent know no bounds.” – Maddie Chouanard, Senior, College of Arts & Sciences
– “Dropping my chicken parm in line at Schroeder during the busy dinner time and then having everyone chant my name and applaud me. Not the best moment. I was about to get [my card] swiped by that sweet lady, put the tray on the ledge, looked away reaching for the ID, and all of a sudden I feel this nice hot sauce going down my leg.” – Noble Salwan, Sophomore, College of Arts & Sciences
– “Falling while walking up the stairs in Cudahy and dropping all my papers everywhere.” – Amanda Arient, Senior, College of Education
– “Telling a person she has something on her forehead on Ash Wednesday since I didn’t know what it was. Also, emailing a professor thinking it was the TA.” – Janine Peterson, College of Arts & Sciences, Class of 2011
– “That time I tore my meniscus in COMM 1100. Yeah…that happened. It’s a long, complicated story…I stood up. The end. #CommLife.” – Aaron Ledesma, Senior, College of Communication
– “I once did the gallon challenge with a bunch of guys, in which you drink a gallon of milk in an hour. Impossible, so we all ended up puking. Upon finishing, I realized that earlier I had asked a girl to a movie. I ran to meet up with her and began watching a movie at the Varsity. During the movie I put my legs out in front of me and realize that I have puke on my pants. I said I needed to go to the bathroom and ended up just leaving. TOTALLY AWKWARD.” – Anonymous
– “It was the first day of sophomore year, and I was walking to class with Will Munson and Matt Bernard. Granted, this was also one of the first times I’d met Will and Matt. Our class was in a huge lecture hall in Cramer. As I was walking up the stairs with a cup of hot coffee in my hand, I tripped and fell backwards. Luckily Matt was walking behind me and caught me before I fell. Thank God I didn’t end up spilling my coffee. I look back on it now and laugh. All in all, a successful first day.” – Natalie Ames, Senior, College of Business Administration