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The results for the MUSG elections were announced in a Microsoft Teams live event on the afternoon of Sep. 18. Evelia Guerrero and Elizabeth Murillo are the new Executive President and Vice President. Both are students in the College of Nursing. They received 69.8% of the votes. They will serve their term through April 1, 2021.
Of the senatorial positions, 14 elections featured candidates who ran unopposed, and there are still vacant positions across college and residential areas. Savannah George and Riley McAdams were elected to represent the College of Arts & Sciences, Ellie O’Brien to represent the College of Business Administration Emma Mass to represent the College of Education, Sierra Jones to represent the College of Health Sciences and Yasmeen Atta to represent the College of Nursing.
The election also included residential senators. Abby Gray is the newly elected residential senator for Abbotsford, Nancy Flaherty for Cobeen, John Gunville for Eckstein Tower and Grace Thompson for Schroeder. For commuter students the senators are David Felix and Christian Cruz. The Off-campus senators are Ann Bertrane and Bella Hennessy.
The remaining opening seats will be appointed by MUSG’s Interim legislative vice president Andy Braatz while working with residence hall staff and college counsels. Residence hall staff and the college counsels will work with Braatz to find students who are both interested and qualified to represent their respective college or residence hall. This process is determined through MUSG’s constitution.
Of Marquette’s eligible voting body, 2, 218 students voted for the presidential ticket. A campaign violation was filed by Kevin O’Finn against Guerrero and Murillo. O’Finn, along with Vinny Stoll, was on the opposing presidential ticket. According to the alleged violation, the Guerrero-Murillo ticket had violated Section 7 subsection A of campaigning rules regarding registration of campaign workers.
On election night, a hearing was held and evidence was presented. However, the election committee ruled that there was not sufficient evidence to penalize the ticket. The MUSG inauguration will be held 5 p.m. Sept. 21 through Microsoft teams. The link to the event will be available on MUSG’s website. Additional resources on how to vote for the upcoming national presidential election will also be available on MUSG’s website.
A previous version of this story stated that the opposing ticket was Kevin O’Finn and Kevin Stroll. In fact, the opposing ticket was Kevin O’Finn and Vinny Stoll. The Wire regrets this error.
This story was written by Megan Woolard. She can be reached at megan.woolard@marquette.edu.