Photo by Yue Yin /yue.yin@mu.edu
Marquette Student Government elected Meredith Gillespie as the Student Organization Funding senator during its Feb. 8 meeting, focusing on its goal to reach out to student organizations.
Gillespie, member of MUSG’s student organizations committee and freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences, won the position in a 15-1-1 vote.
“I think having (Gillespie) on student organizations committee and SOF would be beneficial for both committees,” said Courtney Guc, MUSG senator and junior in the College of Business Administration.
Adam Kouhel, chair of MUSG’s academic committee and sophomore in the College of Business Administration, said Gillespie will be able to provide feedback and insight into student organization perspectives.
A portion of the meeting involved debating if the vote should have been postponed since some senators weren’t in attendance.
“I think (voting is) inappropriate (…) when half the senators are not here,” Kouhel said. “Half of the student body is not represented.”
MUSG President Zack Wallace said some of the senators were not present due to conflicting obligations, not negligence. The group eventually determined that enough senators were present for a vote.
Wallace later encouraged the senators to reach out to student organizations.
“You’re a lobbyist on behalf of organizations of the university” Wallace said. “You really have the ability to make good things happen on this campus.”
MUSG also used the meeting to discuss its part in the university Common Core revision process. John Su, Core of Common Studies director, spoke about the revision process. He is collaborating with the academic committee to create student focus groups that will work to discover what students want from the core.
Editor’s Note: Meredith Gillespie is also a photographer for the Marquette Wire.