Kip Moore
The crowd waiting for Kip Moore was one of the calmest groups waiting for a headliner at Summerfest. Granted country music fans –like any fan –can be ruthless, this bunch was not. Usually an opening act is there to warm up the crowd, getting them moving before the real fun starts. Opener Bella Cain did its best to get the mass grooving to a mix of current and classic hits. The group was WAMI’s 2014 Country Group of the Year and has been listed one of the busiest Top 40 Country cover bands in Southeastern Wisconsin. But a cover band can only get so much out of a crowd. Yes, the group sang well and play the hell out of every instrument known to country music. But, it wasn’t enough.
Sometimes artists use a hit song in the last three minutes before preforming to get folks rowdy, at least younger artist do. Just Saturday, Chase Rice got his fans ready to party by blasting “Turn Down For What” as he walked out. Kip Moore opted for a much subtler approach, “Madness” by Muse bleed out into the crowd while fans swayed and belted out dramatic vocals. Georgia-born Moore came out in his uniform backwards trucker hat, tight jeans and a loose tank top showcasing a well-defined set of arms.
What stood out most about Moore was his ability to talk to fans. Often during the show he would point to someone, salute them, wink, wave, do whatever possible to show them he appreciated his or her support. Moore’s last album Up All Night came out in 2012, the latest is set to release this August. The newest album, titled Wild Ones, took over two years to finish and he thanked every person who made that possible, including Milwaukee’s country music station – FM 106.1.
Overall, Kip Moore put on a great show. There wasn’t much fanfare, just a simple banner with his likeness in black and white, and colored lights that switched with the mood of the music. His fans are craving new material and Moore is ready to play it for them.