Hip-hop may dominate the modern dance scene, but Jumpin’ Jive Club gives Milwaukeeans the chance to experience swing dancing, the classic dance style that originated from the “swing” rhythm of jazz music and continues to amuse fans nearly a century later.
Jumpin’ Jive Club has provided Milwaukee with swing dance events and lessons since 1996. The Live Music Dance takes place the first Friday of every month at the Knights of Columbus Hall in West Allis. For $13, participants get a 30-minute lesson on the featured dance. Then, a live band plays upbeat music while dancers put their skills to the test.
More ambitious dancers can participate in the Tuesday Night Swing Dance at the Wherehouse on Milwaukee’s Water Street and the Thursday Night Swing Dance at The Lucky Rabbit in Waukesha. Both begin with a one-hour lesson on the evening’s dance. During open social dancing, participants get to alternate partners and meet others who enjoy swing dancing as well.
“Swing is a partner dance and relies heavily on a lead and follow so you can dance as one,” said Stephanie Wise, a Jumpin’ Jive Club instructor.
Prospective dancers do not have to worry about bringing their own partners. With an atmosphere akin to speed dating, each participant will dance with everyone in the room by the end of the night, since dancers rotate partners every three-to-five minutes. However, participants may choose to stay with the partner they came with for the whole night, providing couples with a perfect date night.
The events attract new people every week, including students from Marquette, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee School of Engineering and other local colleges. The Tuesday Big Swing Night events, which only allows dancers 21 and over, have the largest crowd of at least 150 participates. The Thursday and Friday night events are open to all ages, and no dance experience is needed for any of the events, as swing happens to be the easiest social dance to learn.

Instructors Wise and Maureen Majeski provide a comfortable atmosphere for dancers of all levels to experience the unique style of dance. They are specially trained in a wide variety of swing dances including East Coast Swing, Lindy Hop, Shag, Balboa, the Charleston, Swing Line Dances and Partner Dancing, ensuring visitors will learn a new dance style each time. The most popular of these dances is the Lindy Hop (more commonly referred to as the Jitterbug). It developed through African and European dance traditions and is a joyful dance which contains a rhythmic eight-count pulse.
“I like teaching swing dancing because it breaks social boundaries,” Wise said. “It is magical to see someone learn something new for the first time and have fun with it.”
Wise began dancing in 2004 at the Milwaukee Ale House, where Majeski taught East Coast Swing for 13 years. Wise fell in love with the high-energy dancing style and continued to dance there until she could help Majeski teach. She has even taught multiple lessons on Marquette’s campus. Both dance instructors also available for private lessons.
“Swing dancing brings people from all different walks of life and ages together,” Wise said.
The swing dancing events at Jumpin’ Jive Club provide unique ways to exercise while making new friends, or even finding that special someone.
“If you learn how to dance, you will have something no one can take away from you,” Wise said. “It is something that will stick with you for the rest of your life.”