In regards to: Christopher Placek's Oct. 24 article, "United Way works to reduce teen pregnancy," thank you for the article on the United Way campaign to call attention to teen pregnancy.
I have noticed the billboards of the pregnant teenage boy and have wondered about the purpose of this advertising campaign. The billboards make the normal and healthy process of pregnancy look like something ugly and unseemly.
The advertisement casts pregnancy in such an unfavorable light that I have considered that perhaps these billboards are a thinly veiled pro-abortion campaign. There was little in your article that led me to think otherwise, as it referred to the problem of births to teenage mothers, not just teen pregnancy.
This advertising campaign should focus on the behaviors that lead to teen pregnancy and should encourage young women and men to avoid intercourse until they are physically, emotionally and financially ready to accept the consequences.
When pregnancy occurs, we should support these young woman who are feeling embarrassed, afraid and alienated and encourage healthy and life-giving choices such as pre-natal care, good parenting and adoption.